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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Buffy Challenge Post 65: Season 7: Episodes 13 – 14

The Killer in Me

Sounds like a great song title….. let’s get into it shall we…. The first wants to kill the line of slayers, Spike is crossing the line again, Spike has a chip in his head, Tara gets killed by Warren so Willow rips his skin off, Willow has a secret admirer…..

Giles is taking a road trip and feeling a little guilty. The Hokey Pokey is a very important ritual. The whole sorority of slayers seems to be Giles biggest challenge ever in this show. Time to catch up with Spike and see how he is doing after his traumatic few weeks.

I agree with poor Spike as the girls have been driving everyone crazy, including the audience…. Spike is still a little nervious about the whole split personality thing, as the Chip starts to malfunction……

This can’t be good for old Spike as even Willow doesn’t know about the chip and how it works. When was it ever boring in Sunnydale? Kennedy has faked an illness to go on a date with Willow? This is going to be an interesting conversation…..  maybe I need to be taking notes?

Spike is in really bad shape as Buffy tries to console him. Back to the date and Kennedy’s plan of getting Willow drunk is kind of working as she begins to open up. Can Buffy get a hold of a secret agent on the phone? It looks too late for Spike as we go back to the date of sorts. I really should be taking notes….. Uh aren't they sharing a room together? What happen there? Kennedy is hallucinating? no Willow has turned into Warren!

Oh this is going to be some really funny stuff! got to love the Aquaman reference….. Some great direction here switching between the two characters, while Spike is rolling on the floor in pain. Kennedy is tagging along, with some resistance from Willow.

Spike and Buffy are on the hunt to find out how to get rid of this chip that is causing so much trouble. Could Giles be the first? PLOT TWIST???? has he touched anything? Yes Xander is right Andrew is annoying! Gluing is really evil!!!

Willow looking like Warren rocks up to the local wiccan meeting. The return of Amy the rat and magic pusher! Could she be the answer? OH that was cool, it seems that Warren is taking over! Can Kennedy be the only thing to keep her from going over the edge? So many answers, so much happening! Speaking of which Buffy and Spike make it to the abandoned base where the chip was put in!

The rest of the gang is off to find Giles in the hope that it is really him and not the first. Back to Willow and she is breaking down. Buffy gets blindsided, as Amy consoles Kennedy, who lets slip too much information, could she be the reason Willow is what she is? While Buffy and Spike take a beating? Willow is buying a gun.

Giles get’s gang tackled as he delivers the line of the episode “so you think I’m Evil if I take a group of girls to a camping trip and don’t touch them?” The Special ops arrive and are willing to help. Warren-willow is running around with a gun, as Buffy has Spike’s fate is in Buffy’s hands, will she have the chip repaired or removed?

Amy’s taking her revenge! Do kisses always trigger spells? Amy really has a beef with Willow and wants to destroy her. Super hero Clique “I’m gonna stop you” Willow has returned to the scene of Tara’s death. What a powerful scene as she is battling between the evil and good inside her, here is the closure that Willow needed as she has never gotten over the death of Tara. The old kiss from the true love thing works every time.

A great episode with lots of questions yet to be answered…..


First Date

First Date, and nothing ever goes wrong on a first date……

Previously Andrew killed his best friend because he was an idiot, The first kidnaps Spike, Buffy kidnaps Andrew, the principal is doing some really shifty digging at night, The Chip is playing up and Buffy has a choice to make, the gang have there suspicions about Giles.

Nice work blocking the Axe shot by Giles, I wonder if that is exactly how the story went? No one filled Spike in about how Giles NOT being Evil and Buffy removed the chip.

The next morning and Giles is not overly thrilled that Spike is now Chip less….  I knew the story was exaggerated. Finally the principal has been put on the suspicion list! Giles is giving a warning to Buffy that she has a lot to lose by trusting Spike. Xander is a PLAYA!!!!

Is it wise for Buffy to sneak around the Principal’s office? seeing she got caught I’m going with NO! Now that is just creepy with Wood asking Buffy out, and the bloody knife doesn’t help, or the chest of hidden knives? Willow once again demonstrates the wrong time to laugh at what a friend says…..

A beady of Evil…… Buffy has always fallen for the bad boy. Xander has a date and Giles is struggling with the  language barrier. The first rocks up as Jonathan and tries to sway Andrew over to the Dark side by making him an offer he can’t refuse. He wants Andrew to do the dirty work by killing off the potential slayers. Microwaves are the latest weapon against potential slayers……

Dating tips with Anya, another spin off opportunity missed. She is still hung up on Xander. Spike runs into Buffy and gives her the third degree by asking questions about her “Date” I still think it doesn’t sit right with the Principal asking out an employee.

Xander’s date seems to be going well. Slayer flash cards the newest toy from mattel. Oh Anya, it’s really getting to her that Xander is with someone else. DIDN’T YOU SEE THE FLASH CARDS???

Kung Fu principal, I’m sure that slaying was on his resume. Nice work Xander, talking about your Ex on a first date! I can’t believe that really worked!!! So the principal knows about Buffy’s extra curricular activities and not her counselling skills. Principal Wood was a son of a Slayer, well I didn’t see that coming…… It was Spike that killed her mother I’m calling it now…..

The first is pushing Andrew to start shooting potentials. Yeah the first evil has allergies, He is wearing a wire and the first ramps up the guilt factor. Finally Andrew becomes a real man and stands up for the right thing.

So Xander’s date takes a turn for the worse. Why does he attract demons. How is Xander able to text when he is tied up like that? That looks really painful and the gang makes their way to save Xander. “AWEKWARD” Buffy makes her way down to the basement and starts attacking the demon. I must say that the fighting choreography has been fantastic this season as Buffy removes the demons head from her shoulders!

It’s great that Anya is so worried about Xander. Giles once again returns to the flash cards!!! Principal Wood sees vision of his mother who is the first, once again trying to manipulate another person to do it’s dirty work. I CALLED IT!!!! I CALLED IT!!!! His mother was the slayer Spike took out on the Sub way all those years ago…….

This is setting things up nicely for future episodes!!!!

I really enjoyed this episode also, really solid from start to finish.


So there we have it, and remember, if you see a hot girl buying rope at a hardware store……… just walk away!!!!!

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