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Monday, November 9, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 60: Season 6: Episodes 21 – 22

Two to go

It’s a stinking hot night here in Melbourne, Australia…… No sleep for the wicked and If I can’t go out on patrol for Vampires I might as well finish off Season 6 of Buffy and other than a handful of episodes, this has been a brilliant season.

Well lets not dilly dally any further and dive into the appropriately named episode entitled two to go (double meaning warning, see there are two nerds left to face the wrath of Willow and there are two episodes left in the season, ant those folks at mutant enemy clever…..)

Previously on Buffy…… Buffy was dead and Willow brought her back but she was in heaven and was torn away by her friends…… Giles goes home back to England….. Buffy discovers the Nerds are trying to be a pain in her ass….. Tara breaks up with Willow for using too much magic …….. Willow has an addiction to magic …… Spike and Buffy get it on….. Buffy dumps Spike after using him for her own needs ….. Anya and Xander announce they are getting married ……. Xander leaves Anya at the Alter (idiot!) …… Anya returns to becoming an vengeance demon ….. Anya and Spike get it on!!!!! …….. Xander sees the show and at the same time finds out about Spike and Buffy ……  Dawn is a little thief ……. Willow and Tara kiss and make up ……. Spike tries to rape Buffy in what I see as one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve seen in this show to date…. Spike runs off…… Warren wields a gun and fires wildly hitting Buffy …… OH MY GOD THEY JUST KILLED TARA!!! …… Willow tries to resurrect her lover to no avail …… Willow absorbs Black magic and does a little surgery on Buffy to get her back on her feet (and keeps the bullet she took out of her.) …… Willow goes after Warren ….. Spike makes a deal with the devil to get rid of the chip in his head ……. Willow skins Warren alive……. Willow ends the episode with the line “One Down!” which naturally leaves us with TWO TO GO……

FEW I think that is the BIGGEST RECAP EVER!!!

Buffy, Xander and Anya are chasing after Willow as they know that she is after Jonathan and the other guy, what’s his name indeed. Anya teleports out of there, will we see Anya Vs Dark Willow? are Willow’s actions justified? Buffy and Xander discovered that the car has been destroyed, so naturally Buffy leaves Xander and runs off in super pace, leaving the powerless Xander to catch up and feel inadequate.

Down in the holding cells I REALLY DON’T WANT TO BE JOHANTHAN or ANDREW right now. I can’t believe that Andrew is still hoping that Warren will get them out of this jam but you have to give props to anyone who can quote a comic book plot that relates to their situation, even if he has to be corrected by Jonathan. Andrew finally admits that Jonathan is out of the loop. Anya arrives and warns the two clowns that they are in trouble and let them know why, by getting straight to the point! Anya lets them know that Warren is dead and they are next. The warden is surprised that Anya is  in the cell and that he needs to let them out.

Cut to the Jurassic Park water in the cup vibrating scene and the awesome arrival of Dark Willow, Whoah with one word Willow puts the cop to sleep and breaks down the cop shop to get at the boys. I hope Andrew dies, he is so annoying. Anya can’t help them and the police as usual are useless. I don’t think pointing the guns are going to help against the witch. Buffy breaks them out to Willow’s dismay, she takes out the voice of reason in Anya and Xander steals a police car to save the two.  Willow is really scared.

It’s an interesting point, Willow doesn’t kill them straight away because she wants them to suffer. Johanthan remids us that there has been a change from the innocent girl we once knew, now she is a homicidal witch with the power to take over a big rig truck to chase down the car. Great effects and action by the way.  It seems that this had taken too much out of her as she blacks out leaving the car to get away.

Back to Dawn in Spike’s lair and his droopy buddy is rating the chips like I rate these episodes…… I wonder who James Halloway is? (name was on the tombstone behind them.) Dawn convinces Klem to let her out. Cut to a topless Spike for all the ladies watching the show, (he has NO REASON NOT TO WEAR A SHIRT!!) His trials begin as Dawn is trying to find the Magic pusher to find the where about of Willow. Dawn is finally stepping up.

Anya is still not talking to Xander as they retreat back to the Magic Box to find away to stop Willow. Buffy lays down the law to Jonathan, they seem to be in a no win situation as Willow goes to the pusher for a recharge which she takes directly from him. (she has become really blinded by hate and rage.) Dawn has this really bad habit of finding dead bodies this season. As Willow freaks us ALL out!

Willow is now the embodiment of magic and I doubt Dawn can talk her out of this.  Willow is not the same person but she has a point about not wanting to hear the whining anymore, ah man Buffy stops her. Anya and Xander are trying to figure out how to stop Willow and Andrew is talking nonsense to try to get Jonathan to turn on them. Jonathan finally grows a pair and shuts him up. Ah man too many Star wars references to mention in Andrews speech, but I do appreciate each one!

Xander still has faith in Willow, yet Anya doesn’t agree. Xander is wondering if Anya will turn on him, Xander is admits that he feels that the situation is his fault.

Buffy vs her most challenging opponent yet, Dark Willow. Willow is talking in the third person as she descends into madness. Buffy is trying to get through to her about not going down this path, all that does is allow Dark Willow to point out the hypocrite that Buffy has been this season, and while we are doing that let’s just teleport to the magic box while we are there. Willow tries to attack the boys but they are being protected by a shield constructed by Anya. Yeah, the swords are not going to help.

Back to the Spike vs fire fist guy. (how long have these two been fighting for?) Spike gets the win. Back to Willow who is not doing the killing she wants to do. She hasn’t figured out that Anya is protecting them. Plan B, Soup up the power and do it the old fashion way, however she has to get through Buffy first. I never thought I’d see those two fighting…… (in this reality anyway before you harp on about vampire Willow). Oh this is great! Willow Vs Buffy, the witch vs the slayer and the winner is the fans! (get off Super Bitch!! I love that line.)

Xander and Dawn try to get Andrew and Jonathan to safety, only to have Andrew turn on them (man I hope he dies!) Back to the brawl, Willow discovers that Anya is still there and is the reason her magic is not working. Back to the standoff and Jonathan continues to become a man. Willow knocks out Anya as she now has the clear advantage as she blasts Buffy across the room. GILES IS BACK!!!!!

Oh Boy, What an episode!!!! I can’t wait to see how this one ends!!!



Previously on Buffy …….. Spike goes on a mystic journey to get the chip removed from his head to get revenge on Buffy, (even though he can kind of hurt her anyway) Warren Kills Tara and shoots Buffy….. Willow hunts down and kills Warren. Anya and Xander spring Andrew and Jonathon from jail. Willow has gone mad with power and blows Buffy away, only to be stopped by a returning Giles!

Anya is happy to see Giles and Willow teases the fact that “Daddy is home.” Giles is not going to get through to her with words and it’s amazing how powerful he is. Dark Willow is cool! Her eyes are not so black but she is not listening to him at all. "BUCKLE UP RUPERT, BECAUSE I'VE TURNED PRO!!!" OH BOY!!!!

Giles hits her with a ring of flubber of some sort (or a binding field) That is so cool that with all this chaos going on he still notices that Buffy cut her hair. GROUP HUG!!!!

What to do with Willow, I doubt he can hold her forever, as she lets him know that. Giles reassures Buffy that this trip is not council sanctioned. That he is hear because of the great disturbance that was felt. Buffy fills Giles in on everything that has been going wrong with everyone and when she mentions that she has been sleeping with Spike, Giles breaks out laughing which makes Buffy laugh, and so do I!

Willow is playing mind games with Anya, SO MANY STAR WARS REFERNCES! and they are still laughing about the whole season. Giles shouldn’t of left but at the same time it wasn’t like he could of done anything to change the situation. These character moments are really well written as Buffy questions why she is back. I think Willow was different from at least season 4 onwards, this was a long time coming. Willow gets free and as the magic battle begins, (it’s kind of funny how this battle is better than anything I’ve seen in all the Harry Potter movies!)

Xander is trying to figure out where they are going to hide, and Dawn once again tries to put things in perspective. Why would Xander tell Dawn that other than to give us a reason to flash to a topless Spike! (again I have to protest the whole objectifying men as sexual objects bit in this show!) EWWW! Bugs.

Dark Willow is getting the upper hand as the battle rages on. Giles is starting to struggle with the fight, but he is playing the “what would Tara say about this” card so Willow tries to send him to her. Buffy saves the day and can’t anyone remember Andrew’s name? Fire ball time and Buffy is about to be toast, nope, it’s for Jonathan and Andrew. “Fly my pretty, Fly” Buffy is off to stop the orb as Dark Willow is ready to finish Giles off. Absolute Power Corrupts absolutely. Dark Willow tries to get a charge out of Giles and the power is too much for even her to handle as she wakes up to the realization of her actions or does she?

The group have run to the cemetry as Buffy dives to save the group from the fire ball, only to have the after shock cause some serious damage knocking out Xander and causing the Summers Girls to fall though the ground into the cave below. What are wanted nerds to do but to run away to Mexico. Anya finds Giles as it seems that he is now connected to Willow in some way.  He sees that Willow is now not after a couple of nerds but the whole world!!!

Buffy is trying to get out of the situation that she finds herself in to no avail. Dawn confronts Buffy about the rape attempt, Dawn has a point  she is not a child anymore and Buffy needs to, oh wait here comes Xander to kind of save the day. Anya lets Buffy know of Willow’s plan as we cut to her resurrecting an old Satanic temple. Anya gives us a quick history lesson and the point is that Willow can not be stopped by magic, oh and Giles is now in real trouble of not making it out of this season alive.

Willow is now letting everyone know the plan as she is about to kill Buffy via lobster roots monsters. Buffy hands a sword to Dawn as they fight together as Willow continues her chant that causes the quakes and Anya lets Giles know how she feels. All that stands between Willow and the end of the world is XANDER????


Dawn has some wicked sword swinging skills! Xander still refuses to lie down, and he lets Willow know that he still wants to be with her. Maybe her destroying the world is because of the crayon braking in kinder garden. Xander is getting the snot beaten out of him but his love is keeping him strong and Love is what saves the world. (I want to get back to this point in a second)

The demons are gone and Giles is fine other than the bump on his head but what is new there? Giles lets Anya know the magic that Willow had taken was engulfed in power of rage and vengeance, where as the power that she took from him was the link to humanity that was needed.

Buffy is overjoyed and finally wakes up to herself, apologizing for how she has treated Dawn and the others since she returned. Now all they have to do is figure a way out, they climb out of the grave to see the sunlight. Xander is comforting Willow and Anya helps Giles out. As for our nerdy friends, they are hitching a ride with a really scary looking truckie. (Prison would be a better option I think.)

We end the season with a beaten and battered Spike, who has gone through what he had to……. to get HIS SOUL BACK!! WHOAH DID NOT SEE THAT COMING…..

What a season finally,


just on Xander’s Final stand. It got me thinking about how much love God has for us and no matter what we do He is still there taking it and saying that He loves us, in the end He does save the day though love!

WHAT AN AMAZING SEASON!!! there will be a short hiatus before we get into the final season (as report writing is coming up for me,) but as soon as I’m done we will be back to wrap up this 2 year journey which has been THE BUFFY CHALLENGE!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 59: Season 6: Episode 19 – 20

Seeing Red

Previously on Buffy ……. Buffy doesn’t love Spike …. Willow and Tara get back together … Anya and Spike get together …… Xander sees the action …… Xander is upset with Anya oh yeah he tries to kill Spike in the process and now he finds out about Buffy’s secret after Spike spills the beans!

Alright what a start to the show! Tara and Willow, ahem reconnect! Willow the world’s greatest detective! and Tara lets Willow know that there was a relationship between the Slayer and Spike. Buffy is still not home and everyone is panicking. Poor Xander? not sure I agree with that, Dawn is SO happy that Willow and Tara are back together as Buffy finds the lair of the nerds. TOO LATE, as a giant Saw cuts through her favorite jacket! The Nerds are in for a WORLD of hurt!

All is good with Willow and Tara, Buffy lets them know that the house is destroyed. So Xander and Spike are out! Anya is back to her old job and she is a little rusty. The nerds are attacking a monster of some sort. Dawn goes to see Spike who is drowning his sorrows. Spike finds out that his little fling with Anya was seen by EVERYONE, and Dawn asks Spike the tough question and it seems that Spike still loves Buffy. There are real issues when Dawn is making sense. Jonathon has to play dress up again. What is Warren’s obsession with orbs? This can’t be good!

Just what we need, Warren with more power. Buffy meets up with Xander and he is not happy! He can kind of get why Anya was with Spike, but he can’t understand Buffy’s motivation. Pot calling the kettle black here! Xander needs to stop being a whining hypocrite. He brought this on himself.

Willow is getting her tech on, to Tara’s approval. Xander hits the bar and he does wonders in repelling a beautiful woman. Buffy kills a Vampire who gets one last kick in. Spike confronts Buffy and apologizes for sleeping with Anya. Buffy admits she has feelings but there is no trust for love.

Spike can’t force love, that is Rape. That is the reason Buffy doesn’t love Spike. Back at the Bronze and the nerds are pushing their agenda. Warren is testing out his new strength. There is nothing worse than a nerd with power. Xander feels the full force of Warren’s scorn. Xander finds a venerable Buffy after Spike attacked her.

The gang is kind of back together figuring out what is going on with the nerds. Spike is starting to figure out that he has now destroyed any chance he would have with her. Spike has nowhere to go, he is not a man and he can’t be a monster.

You have Super powers so what are you going to do with it? Rob a bank of course. Super Warren vs the Slayer, Warren can’t win this one! Can he? John jumps on Buffy and gives her the information he needs. Now Buffy has the upper hand until Warren flys off! Andrew also has a rocket pack but forgets to look up. WELCOME TO THE BIG HOUSE BOYS!!!

Spike is not a happy vampire as he rides off into the sunset. Xander comes to speak to Buffy as she looks for more cameras. Time for this seasons heart to heart. Buffy and Xander make their peace as Warren comes shooting like mad and both Tara and Buffy get shot ….. What THE HELL……


After Spike rode off into the night I was set on giving this episode a solid 7 or 8 but due to the last 15 seconds it is a 9/10


Previously…… Buffy doesn’t love Spike …… Willow Loves Tara …. Buffy kicks Warren’s Ass …. Spike tries to rape Buffy …. Spike rides off into the darkness …….  Warren shoots like a mad man and hits Buffy and in the biggest Shock Tara as well! …. This brings out the RAGE IN WILLOW!

Mad rush by the paramedics to arrive on the scene, they arrive to Buffy but they have no idea about the disaster that is brewing upstairs. Willow begs for the life of Tara, unfortunately she is NOT coming back!

Buffy is getting rushed to the hospital as Willow finds out that Warren is responsible. Andrew and John are starting to realize the severity of the situation, sort of. Warren is in a happy mood the bastard! He thinks he killed the slayer, so he brags about it with the local demons and vampires. They let them know that a bullet didn’t do the job and we have one ANGRY WITCH! Willow absorbs the dark arts, as Dawn is the first to discover the body of Tara.

Warren is starting to discover that not everyone has heard of what he has done as the magic pusher tells him who he really needs to be worried about. Buffy is being treated for the bullet wound when Dark Willow shows up. Willow extracts the bullet in what can only be described as an awesome effect. Warren tries to run like the weasel that he is. Willow is out for revenge.

Willow is in full control of the situation as she stops the bus and orders Warren to leave the bus, she squeeze out the eye of a Warren Bot. Willow lets Buffy and Xander know that Tara is dead, Willow wants revenge and Buffy is trying to let Willow know that they don’t kill.

Buffy and Xander find Dawn cowering in the room with the deceased Tara. This is the lowest I’ve seen them be. Dawn wants revenge and Xander agrees, unfortunately Buffy reminds them that She can’t kill another human. I think it is too late for Willow though. It’s time also to let Dawn step up to the plate. Why would Buffy trust Spike? Willow makes a map appear from the splattered blood on her shirt.

Buffy and Dawn arrive at Spikes pad to see that he has skipped town. Dawn has to face the torment of watching the wedding planner as Spike ends up on some cave in the middle of nowhere and he seeks a way to return to what he once was. Spike has to face some sort of trials to return to his evil self.

Anya finally lets Xander know that she has returned to her vengeance ways, as the vengeance is strong in Willow. She is hunting Warren and out for revenge, Warren hits an ax to the back and we go to commercial. Unfortunatly for Warren an Ax is not going to stop Dark Willow. Nor a Ball of some sort. Warren is in serious trouble as he buys himself sometime to get a little heads up, yet Willow catches him. Willow brings back the dead that he killed. Warren does need to SHUT UP!!!

The bullet from Buffy? Willow pushes the bullet into him and finally shuts him up by sticking up his lips. The weasel tries to talk himself out of it to no avail as she skins him alive then makes him burn up into flames as she disappears.

an interesting episode to wrap up this arch with Willow descending into the darkness that she was threatening to fall into.

So that was Villains Plural Huh? Spike a Villain, check. Warren a Villain, Check. Willow the Villain, ??????


Well there we go only 2 more episodes in what has been a solid season. So just remember not to accidently kill the girlfriend of a really powerful witch or she WILL skin you alive!!!

Until the Season Finally………

Buffy Challenge Post 58: Season 6: Episode 17 – 18

Normal Again

Previously …… Nothing new on the Nerds….. is this going to be a Dawn episode? …… Dawn wants Willow and Terra together …… Dawn wants Buffy around……. Buffy is using Spike …….  Anya and Xander are getting married…….. Xander leaves Anya at the Alter…..


Now I was a little upset that Xander and Anya didn’t tie the knot so what are they going do now….

A late night stroll for Buffy who is house shopping? Warren is the king of the Nerds! I can’t believe they are still hunting the slayer or is Buffy hunting them? A Digiri doo??? when did he learn to play that? Buffy goes on the attack after the demon attacks, then out of no where she is in a mental hospital??? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Back in the car park? At uni Willow is trying muster up the currage to speak to Tara, unforntunatly she see’s Tara kissing another girl. I’m confused, this switching between her nomal life and the psych ward is a little unnerving.

Xander is still missing, and Willow is a little bummed. Xander is back and he is getting a little love from the girls. Xander is looking for Anya and I think that he needs to leave her alone. This is a little too late for him to realise this.

Poor Spike, has to bend to the will of Buffy does he, Oh he didn’t hear the bad news…. Spike and Xander confront each other. Xander nails a punch and Buffy is back in the mad house for the last 6 years????? Buffy’s parents are here to see her, but now we are back to the cemetery. Buffy is expaining what she thinks is going on, Well when you put it that way Xander then she might be really insane.

Back in the mad house the doctor is explaining what is happening on the show for the last 6 years, is it all a figment of her imagination?  The Nerds are back and there is a little dissention in the ranks. Willow figures out who the demon is and Buffy is coming to the realization that her life is not in a good place. Buffy was institutionalized as a child, no wonder she is messed up.

Xander and Spike working together, this is going to be a disaster. The demon comes up and Spike is not happy with who they have to face, the boys take it down, back in the Summers house Buffy is finally confronting Dawn about the kleptomaniac that she is.

In the hospital, Buffy is forced by her parents to admit that Dawn is not real, back to reality? what is going on? EVERYTHING has to be about Dawn.

Spike, Xander and Willow finally get the antidote from the demon, Buffy lets Spike know that he is not welcome and he replies that she is addicted to misery and she needs to face reality. Why won’t she drink the potion, is she choosing the other life?  will she give up her current life for something that may or may not be real?

After 6 years of his annoying jokes Buffy takes out Xander and it seems that Willow was already a victim of her trying to get rid of the things keeping her in this reality.  Dawn is next, as Buffy has gone CRAZY!!!

Thankfully Dawn has been muzzled but to what cost, Evil Buffy is something I never thought I’d see in this show and it is great! Tara comes to save the day only to be tripped up by Buffy who is fighting what seems to be two realities. Joyce in the mad house Buffy asks her to believe in herself which wakes her up  from the nightmare and we get the Buffy we all know and love back, as she kills the demon!

She chooses her Slayer life as we switch back to the mad house where Buffy is non responding. Is the last 6 seasons of this show the figment of on girls imagination? we will never know……



Previously on Buffy …….. Buffy is using Spike ……. The nerds are stalking  Buffy ….. Willow jumps to conclusions ……. Xander leaves Anya at the Alter ……. and tries to justify his actions……. Dawn is a little thief ….. Buffy goes Crazy and attacks her friends …… Buffy says sorry and everything is fine now!

Back to what we are use to, Vampire hunting for sport by the nerds! and as with every sport nerd try to play, they are BAD at it! In comes Buffy to kick some undead ass, as the nerds get what they need. Spike is wondering if he should help? Has Spike lost his leverage? He is still hung up on the slayer just as Xander is hung up on the biggest mistake he has made in this show to date! Hitting the bottle is not the long term answer, sure it will numb the pain but for how long as Anya creepy looks on.

At the campus Willow finally gets the strength to say a word to Tara, and she tries to explain the situation. Willow and Tara are both friendless? they need each other! Dawn stole a tooth brush? and a pocket full of Gold fish? At least Dawn returned everything.

The nerds are at work and Warren is pushing the boundaries of the other three’s patience. HOW DARE HE HIGHLIGHT HIS BABALON 5 NOVELS!!!! Anya has returned to Xander, this can’t be good for Xander as his actions are inexcusable! They should of eloped! Xander puts his foot in his mouth again. MARRY HER YOU MORON!!!

OH BOY THAT CAN’T BE GOOD! For some reason Anya’s wishes are not coming true, she still loves him! And the winner of the most annoying character for the season goes to…….. Anya’s friend. So a vengeance demon has to be a facilitator of the wish not the wisher.  Buffy is trying hard to fix the wrong she did in the last episode with pancakes. Dawn wants to patrol.

OH NO, They are talking about the old lady at the double meat….. Willow fills in Tara on their adventures but cuts her off. Enter Anya as she tries to get a vengeance wish from someone out on Xander. “Penis would explode! OUCH!” This is great scene!

How many guys Buffy? Why are they talking about girl on girl? Why am I complaining? I think Buffy might of figured out that Anya is back to being a demon, and through Xander’s clumsiness he finds a camera and straight away Xander thinks it’s Spike.

I really feel for Spike, it is a horrible feeling to love someone who doesn’t feel the same way. Who doesn’t love Xander I wonder? In walks Spike! Anya wants to turn Spike into a woman??? Now that is a potion that Spike can relate to! Willow the tech wiz is the Willow I love!

The nerds are still working on some kind of finding potion! Anya and Spike getting drunk together is AWESOME!! I could watch these two together for the whole episode. Spike has a sexy dance?

Willow is still going all Oracle …. which rules. Anya and Spike are getting along like a house on fire and with the booze I think there might be a spark happening. Willow finds cameras in all the Buffy haunts, as the last of the Whiskey is drunk.  Two broken hearts coming together to find support and understanding, also what better way for Anya to gain vengeance on Xander than by making out with the one guy he cant stand! If only Xander can see this! The nerds are watching, that is SO WRONG! That shattering sound is Xander’s heart breaking! (apparently also Buffy is not immune to the pain of watching Spike go at it with Anya)

Xander with the Ax and Buffy comes clean to Dawn about her and Spike. Two different reactions I guess. Xander takes out his frustrations on a helpless Spike, and just as he was about to stake him, Anya stops him. She got her vengeance, and tells it how it is, Xander is discussed with Anya and now Buffy. Friendships are fractured now, thanks to actions that have been taken. Tara once again is the voice of reason as her and Willow get back together.

one word for that episode……..



I can’t believe that the last two episodes that I have seen were both SO different however both brilliantly done!!!! So I guess until next time if you have to choose a reality to live in, make sure it’s the one where your not in a straight jacket!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Buffy Challenge: Post 57: Season 6 Episodes 15 – 16

Oh I hope these two episodes return the season back on track as the last two left a lot to be desired!!!!!!

As you were

Previouslly on Buffy ……. Riley is going I thought we saw the last of him last season …… Buffy and Spike are intimate ……. Anya and Xander announce their engagement ……. Buffy is working at Double Meat is Double Sweet …..


At the Double meat ……. Oh the politics of the burger buisness! Buffy is scraping grease and the smell is repulsing the vampires and he dies for his troubles! Another tough night at the two jobs and the last thing she needs is Spike to show up, So he takes Buffyand she falls for his charms.

Burgers for dinner again, good thing it’s a Buffy special! It’s a shame that Burgers are the only thing they have been eating…. Dawn and Willow are off to the Bronze, not that Buffy will join them.

Anya and Xander are working on the wedding seating plan, which is not going so well. Willow is in a good mood. Vampire dust is so hard to get out of wool! Buffy Vs the Garbage man! One point to the Garbage man! Buffy can’t get a break as she is rejected for entry in uni.

Man I hate people who think they know everything. RILEY??? What is he doing here? New Scar and all! Buffy goes off to fight a demon with Riley, I don’t think Buffy is take this serious as they let the demon get away. The thing got shot with a trank and they I don’t think Riley can top Buffy in what has happen in the last year!

Boys do like their toys, Anya and Xander are discussing the wedding, (monsters and demons!) Loving the Anya and Xander moments. Back to Riley and Buffy as they are coming down the damn. The demon attacks and it looks resonable in the Shadows. Riley is MARRIED, and she is kicking demon butt! So Riley has moved on with a super hot super soldier and Buffy has Spike!

Riley has told his wife EVERYTING!!!! and they are trying to recuit her?  Dawn is giving Riley the 3rd degree. The demon is here to spawn, The trouble meat palace? Buffy needs to leave the puns to Spider-man. Are demons big on the Black Market? Willow can’t let the whole magic thing go.

Just what Buffy needs, hanging out with her ex’s wife! She is really making things for Buffy uncomfortable. The solution, Spike! SPIKE IS THE DOCTOR???? The guy selling thing s on the black market? of course Spike denies it. The old, I’m holding it for a friend excuse, as they find the eggs, Buffy should leave shooting the gun for someone else.

Anya and Xander is coming to understand that the Wedding is just a show and the Marrage is forever! Time to rap this one up as Buffy and Riley finally have the talk they should of had a year ago. Riley does a great job to build up Buffy’s self esteem. They leave and even Dawn give them a hug.

I think that they should of made a spin off of those two and their adventures, it would of been really cool. Willow chipped in at the end nicely.

I wonder what Buffy wil say to Spike now? She lets Spike know that their really weird relationship is over and that she got what she wanted from him and it’s no longer going to work out between the two.

What a cool episode!!!! I really enjoyed it.


Hell’s Bells

Previously ….. Buffy uses Spike …. Xander and Anya are getting Married……. Willow and Tara are breaking up……. Buffy breaks up with Spike …….. Dawn confides in a demon.

Willow and Buffy are in shock and horror, it is not a demon but it’s the brides maid dresses! Buffy the brides maid another spin off that didn’t take off! Anya of course is going to cry! Anya and Xander’s family  getting together this can’t go well!

“Nothing on earth will stop this wedding now” except the fire guy coming down in the rain. Xander is having difficulty with the cumber bun, This is a big deal for the gang as they are finally moving on to the next stage in their life.

Anya’s vows are hilarious, but she looks great in her dress even with the face mask on. She is marring her best friend! that is fantastic! This is going to be one of the weirdest tv weddings ever! Spike the wedding crasher, with his skanky date. Xander’s Dad doesn’t seem to appove of the wedding. “CREEPY OLD MAN TIME!”

Xander is nervous and Dawn confirms my Skank call! Xander from the future comes to warn him! Oh boy the old man got to the bar and he is about to start a riot! Good thing Buffy ran interference.  Future Xander shows him his Future. It’s not so great…… but the acting and the scene was wonderfully done!

Spike is seeing if his plan is working, which it isn’t he is misrable without the Slayer.Xander is pacing up and down, like a mad man. he has a lot to ponder with the glimps of the future. Anya is still working on the speach and Tara is right, the term “sex poodle” should never be used in public.

Xander has run off and Buffy is running interference again and we hear Anya’s touching vowls as Xander is walking in the rain. The minister is delivering a baby?  Wedding sharades? and Buffy can juggle? Dawn spills the beans and Anya finds out! as the two families go to war! literally. It wasn’t Xander from the future, it was a demon that Anya has punished. Just in time Xander comes to save the day, sort of as Buffy does the fighting and killing! Although Xander does get the fatal blow! Anya lays down the law and the wedding guests settle down. Xander WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Xander doesn’t want to become his father, and he breaks Anya’s heart in the process.

The Girls are conflicted with their feelings as Xander runs off. While Anya is trying to understand what has happen and has been given an option to return to what she once was…….

Another fantastic two episodes to scrubs out the memory of the last two episodes.


Folks remember, when planning a wedding make sure that the two families are separated by security or it could get messy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 56: Season 6: Episodes 13 – 14

Dead Things

Previously……. Willow is feeling sorry for Buffy …… who is not a demon even though Spike is able to smack her around without a headache……..The nerds are reveled as her nemesis’ for the season….Dawn is angry …… Tara leaves Willow …….. Willow is addicted to Magic ……. Spike and Buffy do the nasty…..

Lots of crashing and moaning, it’s just Buffy and Spike getting down to business. Buffy doesn’t look too disgusted, and she is using Spike who is feeling a little unloved.

The nerds have had to relocate ….. NERD FIGHT! They made a magic ball? Buffy is finishing off at the burger place, Tara and Buffy are catching up and it seems that Buffy is confiding with her. Buffy lets Tara know what Spike can do to her.

I want one of those camera ties ….. what are the nerds up to? Warren meets up with his Ex who is kind of upset with the whole he built a robot to kill her thing from last season! It seems that the boys have made a slave spell! Buffy comes home to more wedding planning, while Dawn is going over for sleepover. I do love mexican food!

The boys toast crime and their new acquisition.  This is really creepy and wrong. Thankfully the spell has worn off just in time, DID I JUST SEE WHAT I SAW? This has gone way too far as Warren KILLS his EX. Warren has gone mad, man I hope he hangs for this one.

Anya and Xander are burning up the dance floor, while Buffy mopes around. Enter Spike to play mind games with the slayer trying to convince her that she doesn’t belong. Willow and Tara run into each other and this is awkward. Willow has been magically sober for 31 days.

Buffy on patrol, cue the depressing music and montage as she descends into Spike’s arms. However before that can happen She falls into a trap being attacked by demons or is she just going crazy? What is going on? Did Warren find a way to solve both of his problems in the one hit? They have convinced Buffy that she murdered the woman. Is it me or is this one of the dirtier episodes in a while?

It looks like Buffy is saying her goodbyes as she wakes Dawn and lets her know what she has perceived has happen.  Not surprisingly Dawn doesn’t take this news too well, Spike tries to stop Buffy from making a mistake. Just as Spike tells Buffy that they won’t find the body, the police find the body. Spike confesses his love which doesn’t go well for him. WHAT A POWERFUL SCENE!!!!

After beating out the snottings out of Spike, Buffy goes to confess a crime she didn’t do, The hearing of the name of the girl she figures out who was behind it.  I can’t figure out teenage girls now Dawn is upset that Buffy is not going. The boys think they have gotten away with murder. Tara lets Buffy know that there is nothing wrong with Buffy. She doesn’t believe her. Finally Buffy lets Tara know what is really going on between her and Spike.

The best thing about this episode is that Tara is the voice of reason.

I think at this point of the season I really didn’t like this episode and the way it was executed. The summary gammed 7 plot points into 40 seconds and it overall the episode tried to do TOO much!!!


Older and Faraway

Previously on Buffy ….. Dawn is a delinquent kleptomaniac…… Spike is playing cards…….. one of Anya’s girlfriends appear…….. Willow and Tara run into each other……… Buffy is feeling depressed about what is going on.

Buffy is off to work (her night job) and Dawn is putting on a brave face. Buffy vs. a disappearing then reappearing demon. Short fight and she stabs him with his own sword. Cool effect with the monster going into the sword that way. Which leaves Buffy with a cool souvenir.

It’s Buffy’s Birthday and Xander is wondering if Willow would mind if Tara can come. Anya is hoping someone will go shopping with her and she is by herself. Dawn is not happy with the situation that has come about.  TV clique number 27, if you want to let the audience know that the jacket is stolen leave the tag on it and make it HUGE!!! Dawn is so removed from everything, the Guidance councilor has a lot to work with when it comes to this one.

Dawn is not showing any emotions to the situations that have arisen, not really healthy. Xander and Anya are trying to hook Buffy up, to form a relationship and make babies and stuff so that they can have another couple to talk to.

Willow is saying she is fine but she is anything but. Spike who still has a shiner from last episode comes in and brings a guest. Tara thinks the hook up is cute? Anya is treating Dawn as a kid and Spike is trying to get some sugar on the side. Buffy is opening presents and Dawn’s little stolen jacket gets little to no reaction, she loved the chest Xander made and Sophie is just weird, Worst Birthday EVER. This episode is boring me to no end!!!!!

Richard is trying to hook up with Buffy, and Spike give her a hard time and is still trying to get some sugar to no avail. Pants muscle cramps is a real thing. Wow Birthday Monopoly! This is really sad. (Tara has the best lines.) 

  So far we are half way through the episode and NOTHING HAS HAPPEN! “This can’t be good”" you bet.

Dawn is upset that everyone wants to leave and can’t. Xander even a call back to “once more with feeling” can’t save this episode. Is Tara cooking or is she working a magic spell? I should of seen that coming, Richard is wearing a RED shirt and red shirts get killed off by the demon stuck in the sword. Day 2, and I’m still bored.

I am finding this difficult to sit through. Dawn is gelous of Buffy and is feeling alone, (I can relate to that!) Anya is wanting Willow to break out her magic.  Tara stands up for her girl.It’s Willow’s guidance councilor and Dawn is BUSTED!

What a really disappointing series of episodes, Willow is kind of  making grounds on this whole magic thing as the spell is broken finally. Richard is taken to the hospital and we are put out of our misery.


Lets see, we’ve covered rape, murder, theft, addiction, lust and viloence, and none of it was entertaining ……. here is hoping for some sort of improvement in the future episodes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 55: Season 6: Episodes 11 –12


We are Back kids for another installment of the challenge, we left off last time things were not looking great for the gang…..

Previously on Buffy Buffy and Spike get it ON ….. Willow is reckless with her duties of taking care of Dawn …….. Willow needs to go to magic anonymous ……….. The nerds seal a diamonds……

Buffy is clearing out all magic artifacts from the house, Dawn is protesting the candles andduring the whole scavenge somehow Spikes lighter apears….  The nerds have developed an invisibility ray of some sort.

Willow is making breakfast but it seems that the whole magic embargo is getting to her and also Dawn is not talking to her, and angry with Buffy. Spike “takes a stroll” in the middle of the day to see where his lighter is, or to see Buffy. Spike is a smooth mover, Xander walks in and Buffy awekardlly takes Xander out of the room only to have another disaster in the form of Social service arriving. Spike should really stop helping…..

This is NOT GOING WELL!!! This week’s villian, social services! So “Goldylocks” couldn’t throw the lighter away, When things go bad they really go bad!

Wel I guess that is what I would use an invisible ray for, great, just what Buffy needs, just to be invisible….. now there is so much fun for Buffy to have to be invisible. SO RIGHT! It’s up to Anya and Xander to figure it out…… so they blame Willow.

Xander decides to confront Willow about this. I was wondering how much Apple payed to get the gang to use their computers? Willow is offended seeing that Xander jumped to conclusions.

I think the nerds are AWESOME!!! Buffy is doing her bit to annoy and help the community…… and spy on the villain of the episode, social services lady. Buffy gets into Dawn’s file and goes all SHINING on her behind. That was a huge win for the Slayer.

Willow is on the case of the missing Buffy, with some really great detective work and figures out it was the van. Next on Buffy’s hit list……. Spike.

Anya still has wedding on the brain, but inadvertently discovers that Buffy will disintegrate. So some nerds are more evil than others! So Spike is “Exercising???” That was weird…… Buffy thinks she is free by being invisible. Willow is still struggling  to hold off using magic but she is getting through it. Buffy comes home and Dawn freaks out.  Buffy gets the message that she is in some trouble as Willow tracks down the owners of the Van and discovers the plans for the invisibility gun, only to be taken hostage by the invisible nerds.

The invisible nerds get Buffy to meet them at the arcade, one of them wanted to kill her. We get the greatest fight scene that we will never see as the combatants are invisible……. Willow saves the day by zapping the 4 of them and Buffy is less than impressed by her new ARCH NEMISIS!

Willow and Buffy are wrapping the episode up nicely as they both realise they are both on the right path……….


Doublemeat Palace

What a DUMB name for an episode……

Previously on Buffy……. Spike and Buffy get it on …….. the nerds are revieled……. Amy is back ……. and Willow nearly kills Dawn …… Buffy is Broke……..

The nerd natural habitat, sounds like home! The nerds have had to clear out Anya gives us her opinion why demons are better than super villian nerds when Buffy walks in looking rediculous in her getup for work.

Buffy is watching the workers motivation video which is as tedious as it sounds. Double meat palace where YOU are a part of the double meat experience, they look like a happy bunch! The meat is mesmerizing, dehydrated pickles? Buffy needs to taste the food she is selling. Humor is not allowed in the work force.

Buffy is trying to figure out the idiot proof cash register. I think the talk of the high volume of staff is not a good sign, Buffy is the cat in this episode. The gang arrives to support the Buffster at work. Buffy thinks there is something wrong with the workplace.

Xander scores a free meal off Buffy and Anya is still in wedding mode. NEXT PLEASE…… What do you want Spike? Other than warn Buffy about the doom ahead. First person view always freaks me out! Buffy gets promoted to Grill!

People don’t like variation, I’m not sure that Buffy should ask about the secret ingredients. Buffy gets a double shift. Xander meets one of Anya’s old demon buddy who doesn't seem convinced.

I officially will not eat at a fast food restaurant ever again, it seems the more depressed Buffy gets the more deeper she gets in with Spike. Amy comes back to get her old home back. Amy is not the best person for Willow to talk to, what has she done to Willow?

GROSSE!!!! THIS IS DISCUSTING!!! It’s people, it’s people!!!!

Anya and her demon friend are chatting away and she is not helping the situation. Buffy brings over a burger and lets them know that it is people AFTER Xander eats the burger. Buffy returns to the former place of employment to look for clues. This is one creepy episode, YUCK!!!!

Dawn is wondering about her future, and Xander doesn’t help the situation. Willow figures out what the meat is using chemistry. It’s not human meat so what is it?

This is just creepy, the old lady snake head is the cause of all the problems as we get the twist that this show is known for delivering. Willow stop talking and get in there. Willow saves the day.

Amy arrives and Willow asks her to leave as she is an evil influence. Willow lets Amy know that she better stay away! So the secret ingredient is beef! Buffy gets her job back……



Well that ends another mixed bag of a challenge where we learned that being invisible is not what it is all cracked up to be and you should never trust old ladies who work at fast food restaurants, for you never know if she will eat her fellow employees using the giant snake coming out of her head. Until next time folks.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 54: Season 6: Episodes 9 – 10


Well after the awesomeness that was the last two episodes I really hope I’m let down by the next two (also I think the title is really cool for this one!) Let’s get started shall we….

Previously on Buffy….. Willow shows off her power…… Amy the Rat is back?…… Willow erases Tera’s memory…… She then promises not to do any more, which lasted 3 minutes into the episode after the promise was made….. Willow thinks she is doing the right thing by wiping everyone’s memory…..Terra leaves……. Spike makes a Buffy Bot…… Revenge of the Nerds….. Giles leaves for good…… and Buffy and Spike make out! (Fhew! that is a lot of recapping to do and it seems this episode will be Willow centric!)

Buffy wants a Pony, Buffy is going all vigilante by stopping a mugging and Spike gets in the way, Spike’s head hurts because of the chip in the brain. The sexual tension is OFF THE CHARTS!!! Poor Willow, but she did bring this on to herself. Her only friend is the person who got her into witchcraft and turned into a rat. Finally Willow has returned Amy back into the person she is.

This week on Mission impossible, wait what? no it’s just our nerds stealing a diamond. Oh no they have run into Rusty the security guard, FREEZE RAY!!!! Amy is a little freaked out, which you cant blame her seeing she was turned into a rat and all, also she has missed out on a lot. Yep a Giant Snake! Buffy is surprised that Amy is back which totally lost Buffy’s train of thought. Amy is running down everything that has happen since she has been gone, including how people are getting frozen.

Spike runs into Buffy and still wants to talk about the whole kissing thing. “Thinking about Giles” Hey when Spike hit Buffy, his head didn’t hurt….. This can’t be good, and it isn’t as Spike is taking out his frustrations of the last few years on a poor girl, O.K here it goes….. nope the chip kicks in….. what is going on with Spike?

Dawn and Terra is hanging out with a HUGE milkshake, Dawn is hoping that Willow and Terra will get back together. Willow links into the Internet with magic. Anya is awesome when it comes to saying it how it is. Willow is in denial, Xander is wondering about how Amy is going?

What would the nerds need with the diamond? Enter Spike, he is asking Warren what is happening with his chip, NO SPIKE NOT BOBBA FETT!!!! There is an uneasy alliance formed between the nerds  and Spike.

Amy is still a little weirder out but she wants to go out and have fun with Willow. Spike would kill them if he didn’t have the chip in his mind. So there has been a change in Buffy that is why the chip is not working when Spike struck her. Tara and Dawn are hanging out, where Dawn tries her best to get them back together. Amy and Willow are at a club, firing up their magic and it is clear that Willow only has eyes for Tara (even though Amy is the worlds greatest Wingman.) The boys are getting a little pushy and they should realize that they should never upset two witches.

Xander finds the answer they are looking for in Dungeons and Dragons. Anya explains the seduction of power. Spike calls to bait Buffy in, which didn’t work. This way Spike gets to go to her, and lets Buffy know that the chip doesn’t effect him when he hits her.

Amy and Willow are going Magic happy while Spike and Buffy are going blow for blow. Buffy and Spike hit each other to the point where they……. Make out? and destroy a house in the process.

This was a really bizarre.



Previously ….. Buffy and Spike Fight …… Terra is upset with Willow doing too much magic ……. Willow uses Magic to revert Amy the Rat…….Amy catches up on what she missed …. the Nerds  steal a diamond …… Buffy and Spike make out and destroy the house they are in.

Dawn and Terra slept in and finds no one home, seeing Buffy was busy making woopy with Spike, talk about regretting it in the morning, (thankfully the rubble was perfectly position to hide everything!)

Buffy is doing the walk of shame and Spike lays down the law and goes for seconds…. not what a man wants to hears. Spike keeps a souvenir from the night. Willow and Amy come home and Tara is not impressed. Poor Dawn, stuck in the middle. Is Willow losing her magic? Xander and Anya is still researching, well Xander is, Anya is looking at bridal magazine. Buffy is trying to justify her actions.

Amy wants to go crazy with Willow, she leads her to a guy who will give her the ultimate magic fix. He is getting a little touchy feely with Willow and has done something to possess Amy and get Willow to experience an out of body sensation. This is weird, Willow is breaking under the pressure. So Terra is spelt TARA (thank you BOX!) Willow makes a Tara doll out of her clothes. Dawn is being ignored, not that she thinks she needs the companionship.

Buffy comes home to an empty house that has been ransacked by Amy? This is a typical act of a junkie. Will Willow take Dawn to the Magic nutter? She is trying to get some information about Tara from Dawn. NO, Willow this is WRONG!!!!! I can’t believe that Willow is getting a “Magic fix”

Buffy goes to Spike for help as Willow is stoned from the fix, Spike let’s Buffy know that she will come around eventually. Willow and Dawn are attacked which causes them to magically steal a car. Not the best Idea in the world when your “High!” Thankfully Buffy is there to save the day!  sort of, Willow with the Magical assist. Dawn does what we all want to do to Willow and slaps her! Willow begs Buffy for help but I don’t think there is a rehab centre for magic addiction.

I can’t see Willow staying at the Summers household for much longer. Willow is starting to wonder who she would be without Magic, but she doesn’t see that there is more to her than the Magic. Willow once again promises to go cold turkey again, why do I not believe her?

This has been a really great episode in the way it portrays the dangers of of addiction and how the actions while under the influence can cause major issues going forward for you and the people you love.



Well that raps it up for another installment and remember kids don’t do Drugs or Magic! also if your planning to get freaky with a super strong slayer or an undead vampire with an inhibitor chip in his head that causes him pain if he attacks a human, make sure the house your in is up to building code so it doesn’t collapse around you!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 53: Season 6: Episodes 7 – 8

Once more with feeling

Previously …….. Spike loves Buffy ……. Buffy is repulsed ….. Willow goes all Dark magic in bringing Buffy back ….. Buffy was in heaven …… Dawn is a Rebel ……. Xander and Anya are getting Married …. Terra and Willow get into a fight over all the magic that is used and Willow decides to wipe her memory.

Love the old time title sequence! Like watching a old 50’s musical. Terra finds the plant used for the spell and thinks it’s a nice jesture… so far no dialog just up beat music ….. Sarah Michelle Gellar has great voice! Nice work with the choreography matching the words. The first song is just about Buffy going through the motions!

The crew are just also going through their usual day and everyone is getting the musical feeling. Ok Giles is not singing as well. I think it might be rocker bunnies! or midgets? I have a feeling this is going to be hard to blog as I don’t want to pause as the music is awesome!!! I think Buffy is like a cat who has lost 2 lives. So something is not right as the whole town is singing and even Dawn was singing at school!

I wonder what that necklace is for? Terra is HOT!!  Willow is one lucky girl. Wow Terra has an amazing voice!!! It’s like watching a disney movie with the sparkles! Now if they weren’t witches I wouldn’t believe they can go to their room like that (wow they are dirty lyrics)

Guy dances to death …. Sorry distracted by Anya……what a great song between Xander and Anya, love it! Anya and Xander are really getting upset about the singing. People dancing in the streets, this isn’t the Sunnydale we know folks.

Spike knows what is going on, his solution, Alcohol! Spike could join a boy band no problem now he switches into punk rocker! Who has a funeral at night in the most vampire populated town in America? Another good song!

Michael Flatly is a demon? Dawn is reminding Terra about the fight, which brings back her memory….. this can’t be good. Dawn is a little magpie stealing the shiny things and she is abducted by Howdy Doody.  We see the monster who is behind the musical episode! Dawn can dance! There is no such thing as a good demon! I think sometimes they over do the look of the demon, the red guy would look better without the chin thing, but he can also dance really well!

Buffy is breaking wood, we can only hope it becomes a training montage from an 80’s movie. Giles is tone deaf! and here comes the 80’s movie training montage!  Terra is off to confront Willow after finding out what the plant does. Here comes the split scene song from two characters who are singing about the same feelings.

Spike captures the demons' lackey who lets them know that Dawn is in trouble and Buffy has to go alone and stand up for herself and her family.

I think people are singing their feelings.  The strength of this show is that  the support characters are actually that, support characters! It’s Show time with the big door slam! Buffy is singing and kicking butt at the same time! (with back up singers!) The truth comes out through song!!! Buffy is about to dance her way to death, however thanks to Spike she survives. “The hardest thing in this world is to live in it!” Those are true words. Xander? brought out the dancing talisman? I guess he didn’t want any part of Xander and he is GONE! but they are still singing? “Bugger This” Nice line Spike.

Buffy has also had enough of the singing, or maybe not, time for the Buffy Spike duet ending in the BIG KISS……. Where do we go from here indeed? Love the Grr Arrr singing.

Well that certainly lived up to the hype! What a wonderful episode and we have this to thank for the musical episode of Scrubs also!


Tabula Rasa

Previously on Buffy ….. Buffy finds Mum dead ….. Xander and Anya are getting married …… Spike is playing Kitten Poker …… Buffy needs Giles …… Terra is upset with Willow …..Willow erases Terra’s memory……. Buffy confides in Spike about being in heaven ….. Buffy kisses Spike.

walking in the cemetery at night on patrol and Spike nearly gets spiked, Spike needs to talk and Buffy but that is interrupted by a giant shark man who wants his kittens! His minions attack and Sharky tries to hire Buffy. He is a loan shark, clever! New credit sequence.

The guys are discussing what heaven is like? Willow is feeling guilty about bringing her back and Xander is trying to simplify the situation. Willow wants to go back to magic and Terra is warning Willow to stop it. She let’s Willow know that she violated her mind! Terra is laying down the law and Willow is shocked to hear this from her. Terra dumps Willow and Willow promises to go cold turkey, and while this happens Giles wants to leave Buffy to fend for herself.

Willow has gone too far now as she has practiced another spell, Giles is announcing he is about to leave when Spike barges in dressed as Giles looking for asylum. Willow fires up her spell. Buffy can’t handle the pressure anymore of what she is going through as everyone falls asleep due to the spell that was cast.

Everyone wakes up and they don’t know who everyone is or who they are.   This had to happen in the magic box. Giles figures out he is British, and Spike also figures out he is English also. They find out who they are from their wallets, so now they figure out that Rupert and Anya are enganged, Spike is Randy and Giles’ son, Xander and Willow are going out, Tarra and Willow think they are study buddies and Buffy who names herself ‘Joan’ after her mum figure out she and Dawn are sisters. It took me 6 seasons to figure out who everyone is and now they do this to me!

They open up the door to Vampires and they are scared! Giles thinks that they can use the magic and they try to escape. “Joan” kills one of the vampires. She figures out she is a superhero! Rupert gives his son a pep talk and hug. Randy turns into a Vampire and fights off the others around. I’m loving this episode!

Giles finds his ticket to London. Anya is trusting her intuition. Ahh a Bunny….. A noble Vampire, a vampire with a soul…. that does sound lame…… Argh more bunnies! The rest of them go through the sewer and Terra and Willow get really close, Anya has made a real mess of things. Joan and Randy are fighting the vampire army…. while Giles is sword fighting a skeleton. Willow figures out she likes girls and Anya whacks Giles in the head!

Giles gets the right spell down and the memory comes flying back to everyone or maybe not. Giles and Anya make up, while Willow loses the rock that is causing all the problems. With Xander accidently destroying the stone everyone’s memories come back. King Ralph is a funny film by the way! Willow is in some serious trouble now. Sharky is giving Spike a talking to but when Spike stands up he backs off!

Buffy is looking so lonely sitting there by herself. Terra moves out and Willow wallows in self pitty over her action while Giles is off to London. I have a feeling that this episode will change how things are for the rest of the series. Dawn is upset that Terra is leaving and for the second episode in a row ……. Buffy is kissing Spike.

All I can say is that was brilliant!!!!


Well we are moving at a good pace here and two brilliant episodes, well folks  just remember that if your going to dance make sure you don’t set yourself on fire!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 52: Season 6: Episodes 5 – 6

Life Serial

Previously on Buffy…….. Buffy finds her Mum dead……Buffy is broke……. The nerds are revenging…..Buffy confines in Spike….Buffy to Angel

Buffy comes home with Chicken, too bad dinner has been served. They are all curious about how Angel is going….. I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t care? So Buffy wants to go back to school, shouldn’t she get the job?

The nerds are trying to figure out how to get to buffy…. Now that is a van! I love the DEATH STAR ON THE VAN!! DON’T PAINT OVER IT!!!!

Social construction of reality with Mike! This class is going way too fast….. Buffy is feeling lost and confused like we all are…. I want to do introduction to pies….. for evil nerds they still wave really dorky….. ‘m surprised no one at the campus is concerned about the black van parked on canvas….. What is going on with Buffy? is she hearing things? and seeing things? Whoa time is flying. That effect is SO COOL!!!! Buffy has found the bug that was planted on her that made time fly….. Round one to Buffy!

So Buffy gets a job working with Xander, this can’t be good for Xander. The boys are not happy that ‘Gidget’ has joined the crew.  But shows the boys that her super strength has some advantages and disadvantages…. like finishing the work quickly.

Next up on the nerd battles, pan flute demons, who get their plastic butts handed to them. I SO WANT A STAR WARS HORN!!! Unfortunately the demons  have cost her the jobs. Xander figures out there is something going on and also fires Buffy. Round two to the nerds (because she got fired!)

Buffy is now going to work for Anya at the magic box. I have no idea how they got the camera in the skull but they did and after a magic spell that smokes up the van we are onto round 3. Buffy is selling away (essence of slug can be romantic!) Buffy verses a hand.It’s groundhog day! Lets see if Buffy can sell the hand properly this time? No, lets try again, not this time,  a more agressive approach maybe? Buffy figures it out and the nerds are not happy with the result, and Buffy quits!

What to do when things are going wrong? Go drinking with Spike! Buffy can really hold her liquor, Spike gets to play poker with the demons to gather intel and make a buck on the side, or are they playing for kittens?

Final jeopardy time for the nerds and Spike out cheats the other demons. Buffy lets the kittens go and she rattles off her problems and can only be around a neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker. The nerds are debating James Bond and while that happens Buffy picks out the van. “Grab your magic bone!” That is the lamest demon they have ever had on that show with the worst exit ever! It’s just hte smallest nerd after a changing spell. It seems they are just collecting data for future battles.

Buffy is hung over and Giles reassures her that she was being tested by someone and she is surviving. Giles hands Buffy a check to help her out with her financial issues in a touching scene.

What a fun episode! So much fun with really great gags that made me laugh out loud!


All the way

Previously on Buffy….. Xander and Anya are figthing about announcing the engagement….. dawn wants to do research……. Buffy has to be Dawns guardian…… Willow is worried about Buffy and Spike knows Buffy doesn’t love him but just wants respect

It’s haloween time at the magic box and Xander is a gay pirate, Anya is a Charlie’s Angel ….. Willow is trying to defend witches everywhere…. Buffy is running errands for Anya where she runs into Spike who was about to steal supplies. Spike wonders if Buffy wants to patrol and I think she got that last one wrong!

We follow a creepy old man who is singing pop goes the weasel, checking out the kids walking past holding a knife…… this can’t be good!

Anya is on a high from the profits made on haloween. If only we got to see Willow’s Fantasia! The dance of capitalist superiority is awesome! Xander and Anya announce their engagement finally. Anya is showing off her fancy big ring as they celebrate with a decorating spell. Terra is concerned that Willow is over magician. Buffy still doesn’t know her own strength. Like all 15 year olds Dawn wants a tattoo, and like all older siblings Buffy said NO!

Dawn and her friend do the whole, they think their staying at each others house as they crash at a park and egg houses, flatten tiers and other petty crimes. Giles gives Xander some advice about getting married as the teen hooligens are checking out the creepy old mans house and Dawn is going to destroy a pumpkin when the old man lets them in to the house, bad move.

This man is creepy and pop goes the weasel is just disturbing…… I didn’t see that coming! Nice swerve, with the teen being a Vampire, Dawn is going to be way over her head. Meanwhile Anya is rattling off all things she wants in a wedding without breathing. Xander is worried about the wedding but Buffy reassures him. She finally decides to go off on patrol.

Dawn is being seduced by the vampire boys as Giles finds out that Dawn is not where she is. Bye bye Dawn’s friend. Dawn is in some serious trouble as the vampire just wants a taste. Dawn has her first kiss and if she isn’t saved it will be her last!

Terra and Willow are on the hunt and Terra is disturbed that Willow is going straight to magic. Willow is getting really nasty. Back to Dawn and the vampire are still going at it! Where his real face is shown. Buffy goes looking for Spike for patrol where he lets her know that Dawn has disappeared. Giles runs into Dawns friend and takes on the teenage vampire and gets the home made stake in.

Dawn was about to fall for the vampires charm when Giles saves the day momentarily, when he is surrounded by heaps of teenage vampires, good thing Spike and Buffy showed up, Um Buffy the issue is he is a Vampire not that he was making out with your sister. Big brawl happens, love Spike with the crossbow. Dawn gets the last laugh with the stake in the heart.

Buffy leaves Giles to talk to Dawn as Terra is still upset with Willow, so of course Willow wipes Terra’s memory.

good episode, not as enjoyable at the last one (there were more star wars references in Life Serial)


Well folks the next one is the BIG ONE, the episode that changed the way TV is done……. Until then, just remember to charge for shipping when selling mummy hands or you’ll have it deducted from your wage.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 51: Season 6: Episodes 3 – 4

After Life

Previously on Buffy……. Spike loves Buffy …… Buffy doesn’t love Spike…… Buffy does a swan dive off the tower and dies…… Willow raises Buffy from the dead but forgets to dig up the coffin first…… demon bikers attack Sunnydale ….. Buffy and Dawn reunite

This starts right off the bat with the bikers leaving town and the gang wondering if Buffy is really Buffy? Anya has a good point, she should of thought the whole “raising from the dead” thing through, I guess there wouldn’t be a 6th season if she didn’t. Dawn take Buffy home……

Buffy looks upset and finally utters her first words “It’s different…” Buffy seems to be in a daze….. those wounds are really bad….. So Terra and Willow moved into Mum’s room, while Buffy is wondering what she has missed out on. Spike better watch what he says about Dawn. It takes a lot for Spike to be speechless. Spike the nurse (another Buffy spin off that didn’t make it….) 147 days gone but Buffy has felt like it was longer.

There is something to this whole Buffy in the spiritual dimension thing happening. “Jetlag from hell has to be….. jetlag from hell!” Willow is trying to justify her actions and I think Anya knows what Buffy has gone through. Spike is a little annoyed that he wasn’t told, has Buffy come back wrong? Will Willow get “rid” of her? Spike is right there is always consequences to magic and come to think of it, everything we do.

Willow is not unworried, is that a double negative? I’m not sure this has gone right, the spell did get interrupted. I’ve felt that kind of disconnection with close friends before. Now that can’t be normal, seeing her friends skulls. Buffy is going crazy, “I know what you did” is that a reference to Hubbie’s movie? Could Buffy be possessed by the baby deer Willow killed? That can’t be a dream as both Willow and Tara saw it.

Now Xander is seeing things …. the hitch hiker is out to get them! Good old Anya, always tells it like it is. The gang is getting back to business hitting the books. The thing has possessed Dawn, the cloudy eyes kind of give it away. Oh and also the fire breathing teenager, that is not normal. This is an episode based on ‘I know what you did last summer.”

Spike is back in his lair as he hears things go bump in the night, it’s only Buffy. This episode has way to much exposition and not enough action. It’s almost like they should of made this bargaining part 3. I really don’t like love struck whiney Spike.

If Xander is starting to agree with Spike then you know he must be really concerned. So the demon is a side effect, great and the only way they can get rid of it is to reverse the spell, which means kill Buffy again. Talk about bad luck! The demon will only need to kill Buffy to survive and they let it know! Nice going Willow!

Buffy vs something she can’t physically touch, a bit of an unfair fight. Willow and Terra even up the fight be trying to solidify the demon. Which caused the fight to last a total of 12 seconds as Buffy cuts off it’s head which leads to…..

Sunshine and summer dresses.

All is well again in the world of Buffy, however I don’t think Buffy is that happy with everything. She thanks them for bringing her back and we get the big group hug. Spike over heard the Super-friends! another DC reference! That will be $1 for asking if Buffy was Ok Spike. She was what? Buffy didn’t want to be brought back? Buffy was taken from heaven? and brought back to earth by her best friends, this is going to be interesting.

A mediocre episode saved by the big reveal at the end….. why are we tormented like that, at least it should set things up for the rest of this season I hope. So that wraps up the story of how they got Buffy back from the dead for a 6th season, lets hope it is worth it.

5/10 (would of been a 4 if it wasn’t for the reveal at the end.)


Previously on Buffy….. Buffy finds her mother dead….. Xander proposes to Anya….. Buffy sacrifices herself and dies….. Giles goes to London….. Willow raises Buffy from the dead…… Buffy is in shock from coming back….. Buffy confides in Spike that she was taken from heaven and she is now in hell. (That’s a lot to catch up on!)

Buffy vs the plumbing!!! Dawn’s got her money on the plumbing, and she wins that bet! I guess the episode is called flooded for a reason….

Obviously there is no water restrictions in Sunnydale as Buffy wastes more water. The plumber comes in with big dollar signs in his eyes. The bills really do pile up when your dead, I guess they don’t give life insurance to slayers. So Buffy didn’t get a sense of humor in heaven. Buffy the vampire slayer for hire! Spider-man doesn’t charge for saving lives but he does make a living out of it with all the pictures he takes. Anya is annoyed about the lack of engagement announcement. That is a good question by Anya, why won’t he tell everyone that he and Anya are engaged. I think Xander is wrong on this one and Anya almost bought it.

When is Xander going to grow up? Nice little montage of Buffy practicing for the loan. Ok, the banker has lost me, here comes Buffy’s job through the window right on cue. It’s hard to fight demons in a business skirt. Even after saving the bank she still couldn’t get a loan. (I loved that scene!) Willow trying to get Buffy mad, that is going to be difficult. (Willow’s sleazy affair with Angle… Right!)

Anya is trying to get Xander to grow a pair! This is good stuff with the gang trying to find out what robbed the bank. Giles is back! Does the man only have the one jacket or does he have 4 or 5 of the same type? Giles is trying to get a grip of the whole situation and he can see that Buffy is still not right. Anya is letting Giles know that he can’t have the store back.

On to the demon and his motivations. which turns out to be 3 nerds sitting at home playing doom. They are annoying! Flying demon monkey’s are cool! Is everyone staying at Buffy’s house right now? Giles assures Buffy that they will work out the financial problems. Back to the nerds and they are debating how they are going to get out of the whole “demon wants to kill them mess” We find out that these three geniuses want to take over Sunnydale while playing dungeons and dragons. I love their to do list:

Control the weather.

Miniaturize Fort Knox

Conjure Fake I.Ds

Shrink Ray



The Gorilla Thing

They are not going to kill Buffy (like they could.) So they sent the monster to Buffy…. using his Jedi mind trick (her address).

Willow is trying to explain the spell to Giles and he rebukes her for it. Willow doesn’t understand why Giles is upset with her, and did I just hear Willow threaten Giles? Spike has become Buffy’s confidant of sorts and any money that this touching moment will be interrupted by the money grubbing demon.  I guess I was wrong. Nope he interrupts Dawn and Giles. Buffy comes in and is more concerned about the damage to the house than fighting the demon. She works her way down to the flooded basement where she takes out her financial issues out  on the demon.

The nerds are our villains for the season it seems. (I so want a periscope in my room!) Giles is back in the USA with a splitting headache. Buffy is struggling with her mortality. Angel calls and I guess this means crossover……

Well that was a huge improvement, and has shown me why I am enjoying this show, the humor was great in this one and it was a fun little episode….. I can’t wait to see what “Revenge of the Nerds" has installed for us….


Well that will do it for this time, just remember if your planning to take over your town make sure you get your parents permission to use the basement.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 50: Season 6: Episodes 1 - 2

After a 6 month delay and much pestering from the Buffy tragic in year 10 at school and the Whedon Stalker in New Zealand, I’ve finally got my act together and am ready to get right into season 6. I wonder why they still call it Buffy the Vampire slayer seeing that she heroically gave up her life in the season 5 finally. (Maybe it was in Sarah Michelle Gellar’s contract that she couldn’t stay dead for more than the summer break between seasons?

OH well without further ado ……..

Bargaining part 1 & 2

Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer……… Scenes from the very first episode where Buffy was sucking on a lolly pop and killing vampires….. Re introducing the Slayer and her “Slayerettes” Two powerful witches, an Ex- Demon and Xander….. who proposes to Anya…….. Buffy and Angel’s history in the space of 6 seconds….. Spike coming back with a chip in his mind…….. Spike falling in love with Buffy ……… introduction of Dawn the key ……. and the ultimate sacrifice for her world as Buffy jumps to her death…… closing off with the tombstone reading

“Buffy Anne Summers”

1981 – 2001


Beloved Sister

Devoted Friend


She saved the world


Ok now into the episode where Spike and the gang is chasing down a BIG vampire…. Willow is on watch with the cool telepathy. Nice throw of the Axe by Giles which led our huge bouncer 0f a vampire to run into the fist of……… BUFFY??????

“Great Googly Moogly Malone….” The big guy aint going down easily, nice move with the lighter by Spike fries the big guy. Over to Xander and Anya as they deal with another Vampire, Buffy comes in and takes him our with a really bad pun……. Oh it’s just the Buffybot from last season programmed by Willow.

As usual we get a new title sequence as Dawn gets the title treatment. We check out Willow and Terra who seem to be in charge of taking care of Dawn and Buffy bot.  Buffybot makes enough sandwiches to feed an army.  So they are officially called the scooby gang. This looks like Pinocchio as Buffybot thinks she is the real thing.

Buffybot has to cover open day at Dawn’s school, this can’t be good. “School is where you learn!” It seems Buffybot’s naiveté is bringing about social change. We switch to Anya and Giles down at the magic box and Anya is NOT happy being criticized. Giles is packing up and going to London? It seems Anya still hasn’t got the grief part of being human down. She wants to announce her engagement but Xander wants to wait for the right time.

Spike’s assessment of the education system is that it is just a factory to spit out mindless robots. Spike seems to have some sort of regret for what happen to Buffy and is now taking care of Dawn.

Creepy music, woman walking alone at night only means bad things….. thankfully Buffybot is there to help, but a bottle to the face has let the secret out. A quick question? I thought if a slayer died then another one would come to replace her? (continuity error perhaps?)

Anya get’s some e-bay shopping done for Willow, who is up to something big….. like bringing Buffy back from the dead. Due to Buffy’s mystical death, there seems to be a shot of bringing her back. (my money is on it will work with side effects.) Buffybot is usb compatible. Dawn comes in to see a charging up Buffybot in a really touching scene. Buffybot is training with Giles and it seems that he forgets that she is the descendent of a toaster oven.

Vampire biker…. at a biker bar where the vampire who cut open the robot lets them know about his discovery. Wait the bikers are not vampires? then what are they? just your run of the mill demons?

Willow is in a park doing her magic and killing Bambi (I wonder what PETA have to say about that scene?) back at the magic box the gang have discovered that Giles was ready to leave. We get the "”Mutant Enemy” noise in the episode, which was a nice touch. So far this episode has been nothing but little nice touches here and there and moving slowly. Hugs all around for Giles as he is about to board his flight back to London. As soon as you hear Willow say “Nothing can go wrong tonight” you just know that something will go wrong.

The ritual starts as Willow gets cut’s up really bad, Xander is concerned however they need to continue. Right at that point the bikers crash through Sunnydale which wakes Spike up. The bikers attack buffybot who gets injured in the scuffle this sends her straight to willow in the middle of the ceremony to bring Buffy back, unfortunately their  arrival messes up the spell.  WHOAH THAT WAS SO COOL, seeing the decomposing corpse of Buffy revert back to normal.

The real Buffy is trying to fight her way out of the coffin while the others have run to safety. Buffybot has been destroyed as the realization of their failure sets in. Oh Buffy escaping from the grave reminds me of the Mythbusters episode where they tested the exact myth, if we went by them then Buffy’s resurrection will be short lived.

Spike is assessing the situation and sees that they need to do the bolt. We get the classic hero breaking out of the grave scene and considering she had to climb through 6 ft of dirt Buffy’s hair is in good shape. Oh Xander, you are such a twit! good thing Terra sent a firefly to guide the way.

Spike commandeers a motorcycle to get Dawn out of trouble as Xander and Willow catch up with Terra and Anya. Willow wants to go out and fight as she lets them know that Buffy is gone. The Bikers have decided to make Sunnydale their new home. For someone who has just come back from the dead Buffy’s hair looks really good!

Buffybot get’s ripped apart by the bikers right in front of the real Buffy. Terra is questioning the reasoning behind even attempting the resurrection as Anya is giving her argument to why their engagement should be announced. Buffy bounces in and they realize it’s the real deal. (Is she mindless?) NOT THE RIGHT TIME ANYA!!!

There is a stare down between the demons and the gang. Willow stands up to the demons only to cop a back hand. Oh is he going to rape them? Buffy does the whole catch the punch routine and then goes on a one woman rampage and takes out ALL the bikers.

Dawn looks so dorky in the football helmet as with Spike they discovered the severed Buffybot who lets them know that Buffy is back! Back at the fight the gang get the upper hand as Buffy does the runner the leader fights back as Dawn is on the trail of her sister who has made her way back to the scene of her epic death. Terra gets the kill with an Axe in the back.

Buffy relives her death over as Dawn comes to save her from jumping again. See that is the problem when towers are built by crazy people, they seem to collapse at any moment. This is taking WAY too long. With Dawn in danger Buffy wakes up and saves the day….. sort of….. not without the dramatic close shave…. oh please just get to the point, Dawn hugs Buffy as she stares into nothing and we end the episode…….

Well there were lots of little nice moments here and there in this double size season premier, it seems like they really wanted to make the return of Buffy mean something and possibly it will come at a cost…… I’m not a huge fan of the occult side of things and the whole resurrection scene with Willow was kind of over the top and creepy. It also seemed that the humor was really forced in this episode by the writers and overall the episode was trying to hit too many notes (it is another example of a double episode that would of been so much better if it was half the length.)

Overall a reasonable return for everyone’s favorite slayer, with lots of questions to be asked from the season premier.


7.5 / 10

Until next time folks remember the moral of this episode, if your going to be trying to resurrect anyone make sure you dig up the coffin first. (or not wait so long…..)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 49: Season 5: Episodes 21 - 22

The Weight of the World

Finally we’re about to wrap up what has been a very emotional and entertaining season so lets get started.

Previously on Buffy……. Glory thinks Tara is the Key and took her mind when she realized she once again made a mistake…….. Glory Finds out that Dawn is the key and Buffy and the gang make a run for it…….. they get chased by knights………The true purpose of the key is revealed and Glory gets her hand on the key.

The minions are running around to get Glory ready for her trip. Glory has some real plans for the destruction of the world but is still not satisfied. Giles has stabled but Buffy is still in shock after losing her sister. Buffy needs to get her head back into the game as she is facing some insurmountable odds.

Buffy tries to shake her back to her senses which only leaves Xander and Spike to go at it and Willow takes charge! Spike lets the guys know that Ben and Glory are the same person and for some reason they have no idea what they are talking about due to the fact that anyone who sees the transformation forgets it ever happens (don’t remember when that happened?)

Glory is getting things ready for the dimensional collapse and Armageddon on the world. (Good thing I read DC comics where multi dimensions and earths are the norm.) Glory hits a soft spot for Dawn and vice versa as Glory starts to feel human emotions which she does not like.  The death of Dawn is the key to the destruction of the universe.

Tara is still troubled (and her acting is phenomenal!) Willow is off to snap Buffy out of whatever issues she is facing while Anya looks after Tara. Willow enters Buffy’s mind to find a young Buffy in her room.

This is a really  surreal scene as we see the memory of when Dawn is brought back from the hospital. Fast forward a few years and Willow is not the only one confused. Giles has been discharged from the hospital, Spike has found nothing at Glory’s apartment (Last time I checked there was no smoking in a hospital Spike) Oh the chip in the head brings such hilarity as Spike gives Xander  a clip over the ear.

It seems that the minds of Glory and Ben are merging and she is losing her power over suppressing the good that is Ben.  Glory wants him removed however that seems unlikely to happen.

Meanwhile back in Buffy’s brain ……….. Willow sees the desert interaction between the first and current slayer. Glory is struggling with humanity, (don’t we all!) She is whining to Dawn that humans are depraved beings who want to kill or die.

Back in Buffy’s mind and we get the explination to “Death is my gift”  Buffy thinks that her only purpose is to kill.

Glory is now Ben and he is remembering Glory’s actions, Dawn is trying to convince him to escape. “This is weird indeed!” as we are back to little Buffy. Around and around we go in her mind.

Spike catches up with the demon who gave Dawn the ability to raise the dead. He is not overly thrilled with helping the guys with Glory, he attacks them as it seems that he is a follower of Glorificus! Xander does a great job killing the old man who bleeds blue. (CREEPY WITH THE EYES OPEN!!!!) Spike gets the box.

Back to the mind of Buffy and she is about to  kill Dawn again. Ben helps Dawn escape but he changes to Glory after knocking Ben out. She is not happy. Now Glory and Ben are fighting each other. (wonderful work with the special effects.) Talk about an internal struggle between good and evil! (with Dawn stuck watching the freak show!) Is this a Monologue or a Dialog?

Back to the crazy world of Buffy’s mind, is there something in that book? It’s the point that Buffy quit and realized that she will not win this war. This episode is like the writers were on some acid trip.

Willow finally snaps Buffy out of her trance and Giles lets the gang know the only way that Glory can be stopped is to kill Dawn!

WHOAH!!! What a weird episode, so much happening so quickly and it sets up for what will be an momentous ending to this season with a huge moral delema for everyone. Kill one to save the world? or try to save Dawn and risk the fate of reality as we know it?



The Gift

Here we go……… Previously …… Starting right at the beginning as in season 1 beginning….. Buffy is the Slayer……. We meet everyone for the first time again……and a montage of everything that has happen in the show right to this point in time. A great way to build up the ultimate challenge.  It stops with a kid in the ally way with a Vampire chasing a dumb looking kid. We get back to what we know she does best, fight Vampires it never ceases to amaze me how much wood there is around in Sunnydale and how the Vampires seem to fight Buffy around it. (if I was a Vampire I’d go to a scrap metal yard that way there was no wood) Buffy is not “Just a Girl” She is a Hero!

That was a great way to remind the audience that our hero is a powerful entity as she has spent the last few episodes running away from her troubles…… Giles is going over the ritual that is about to happen and it seems there is not much that can be done to stop the gates to hell open except by killing Dawn. Tensions are rising and thus holds the dilemma of the whole season. The only way to succeed is to stop the ritual and for the first time Giles has lost faith in Buffy’s ability to prevail against insurmountable odds.

Good thing that Anya is there to keep the ideas flowing. (not now Spike!) I think Tara is the answer to this problem. Anya has figured out how to distract Glory and attack Glory. (nice use of props from previous episodes) Xander remembers why he is in love with Anya and Smart Chicks are HOT!

Dawn realizes that Ben is as evil as Glory but the difference is Glory is up front about it. Back in the Box Buffy is working up a sweat and is ready to face the ultimate challenge, Giles has had to be the bad cop, he sees that his purpose is to protect the world and that includes sacrificing Dawn to do that.

Glory is doing her homework and is ready to begin the ritual to open the dimensions to hell. Xander and Anya were “Looking” for the sphere. Xander finds the Buffy Bot. Anya is fantastic as a character as she freaks out over the Bunny she finds and XANDER POPS THE QUESTION!!!!! Which Anya slaps him for it.

This is a slow build up for the final showdown. Buffy lets Willow know that she is the biggest asset that she has while Willow lets her know that she has a plan to restore Tara’s mind. The sphere has been found. ENOUGH with the wrapping up plot threads and get to the action already!

Why does the whole tying up Dawn at the top of a tower scene remind me of the first X-Men movie? Tara is the key to finding Glory!  They find where the ritual is about to happen and Spike offers Willow some liquid courage. Awesome scene with Willow taking back Tara’s mind from Glory. Buffy shows up and it is on! (Or not?) Glory is not feeling great as the sphere is causing major problems for Glory, the opening Buffy needs to even up the odds.

Glory gets her strength back and knocks Buffy’s head off.


Ogre hammer to the head sends Glory flying, as Buffy goes to save her sister. Once again really impressed with the fight chorography and wire work. Xander is a glorified bricklayer who is excellent with bowling as he smashes her with a wrecking ball.

The old guy was the wild card as he is ready to help Glory win. Spike gets up to protect Dawn but is no match for him. meanwhile Buffy goes to town on Glory with the hammer. She reverts to Ben when Buffy runs to save her sister. Giles does what Buffy couldn’t and kills Ben. Dawn’s blood is spilt and the dimensions are opening up on each other and all types of evil starts to enter our plane.

Buffy sees that she can save her sister by sacrificing her own life. In the ultimate heroic act she jumps into the portal to save the world as it closes, Buffy falls to her death…………….


As we look at her tomb stone and fade to black……… I finally get a season finally that makes me think “NO WAY” I never would of seen that ending coming……….. But you can’t keep a good hero down as there is no way the next two seasons of “Buffy” don’t have Buffy in it.

Slow to get started… however……

Amazing ending, to a Really wonderful season!


See you all for season 6 ……… Oh and on a side note…… Happy Birthday to April, the inspiration for this little experiment which is the Buffy Challenge!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 48: Season 5: Episode 19 - 20

Tough Love

With 4 episodes to go, they need to get a move on to rap up this very busy season of Buffy..........

Previously ........... Glory is a God, Dawn is the Key, Ben and Glory are one and Ben spilt the beans, Glory captured Spike but couldn't make him talk.....

Oh that's right Buffy is still studying well was studying seeing that she has now having to defer her studies with everything that is going on. Well we get a another layer to Buffy, She likes poetry.

Ben gets fired from his job for not attending for 2 week, that will kind of do it I guess. Ben is fighting the inner demon that is Glory and finally Glory wins out.

Glory is enjoying a bubble bath with sorry I was distracted again by Glory in the bath..... Glory has her minions blindfolded while they try to brainstorm and figure out who the key really is.

which switches us to Dawn..... who has been skipping school. we also get a bit of a timeline as Buffy mentions that it has been a tough couple of months in the meeting with the principal. (oh boy the principal is so dead if she has more than one scene.)

At the magic box and Anya is giving us her definition of patriotism (which I read somewhere is big in America) She is American and she is in love with capitalism and people browsing are so un American! Xander once again needs to quit when he is behind as Buffy needs to have a chat with the foreigner Giles.

Buffy is struggling with Dawn and she is asking Giles to step into the role of authoritarian with Dawn. He lets her know that only Buffy can fill this role. It is a difficult thing to ask for someone so young, to step into the role of her mother. No small task.

Willow is right on the mark with her explanation of kids learning better using visuals. Buffy doesn't buy it and puts her foot down.  I've got a feeling that Dawn is going to feel that Buffy is a hypocrite for leaving her studies.

It seems that Glory has figured out who the Key is and that person is in trouble. (I think there will be some misdirection and it won't be Dawn.) Willow and Terra are having a chat about the Buffy situation and Terra lets Willow know how difficult the situation is. Willow is feeling a little left out because she can't fully grasp the concept of loss. Terra and Willow are examining their relationship and the word frightened has really got Willow on edge. Is this scene going somewhere? It feels a little forced.

Buffy is trying to set some goals for Dawn which is clearly not  working, this is all happening while the minions are watching. Buffy lets Dawn know that if she doesn't get Dawn on track then she will be removed from her care. So far this episode is moving at a snails pace as everyone seems to have their issues.

Surprise, Surprise...... Glory thinks that Terra is the key. The minion is captured by Giles who seems to be afraid of twine. He lets them know that Glory has Terra, she squeezes her had so tight that blood oozes out. When she gets a taste of her blood she realizes that Terra is not the key. Her threats go on deaf ears as Glory does her mind thing to her. Willow arrives too late as Terra is now a schizophrenic mess. The hospital is like communism according to Anya.

Buffy drops Dawn off with Spike for protection, there is way too much exposition in this episode as we hear why Dawn is feeling so horrible. Dawn feels like she is the reason bad things are happening. Willow steps up to the plate and wants to take out Glory, emotions are running high as Willow sets out for revenge as only a witch knows how...... with books!

Whoa, here comes a really peeved off Willow attacking Glory. Unfortunately and quite predictably she is no match for Glory as Buffy comes and saves the day.

Terra is left without a mind as she is reduced to someone with a mental disability. As we think this episode is about to end, Glory shows up and Terra due to her state of mind lets her know that Dawn is the key. fade to black.

There are times when episodes are just bad that it is ridiculous, this was not one of them, this was just boring, this episode could of been cut down to about 15 minutes and it would of hit the key points needed. It was overly padded and it suffered because of that. So hard to rate so I'm going to say......


Not horrible, just boring.


Previously ......... Key was hidden and made into Dawn, Glory is looking for the Key, Ben and Glory are one in the same, Spike loves Buffy, there are knights looking to get their hands on the key, Glory takes Terra's mind and with that finds out Dawn is the key. We start where we left off as Buffy and Dawn run from a really angry god. (who now runs like the flash!). Glory gets hit by a truck (I know how that feels) and Ben takes back control.

Dawn lets the gang know what happened and also makes Buffy out to be a hero. Buffy now realizes that no matter what they have done they have not even been able to put a scratch on Glory. Anya suggests death by piano (nice call back to season two with the rocket launcher from Xander!) I agree with Anya Bugs Bunny is creepy. Buffy wants to run away and Anya agrees. Fight or Flight, and Buffy finally chooses flight.

So there are female minions? who look exactly like the male ones? Ben is trying to figure out a way to rid himself from Glory. Hey another DC Universe reference from Xander with Sergeant Rock! Buffy and Spike rock up in a winabego  (to the protest of Xander and Giles) and they are off on a road trip.

Back at the hospital the knights are signing out their comrade who had the run in with Glory earlier in the season and I have to say that was magnificent penmanship!  Oh that's right they are after the key also and they brought a small army with them.

Giles is driving the van and Xander is not traveling well. Willow is cramming on her Magic book to find how to stop Glory. Something is happening to the people who have been effected by glory as some form of darkness is overcoming them. Dawn is finally appreciating everything Buffy has done for her in a touching scene and as soon as Dawn says things can't get any crazier, crazy things happen like a bunch of medieval knight on horses attacking the van.

Ok how can I discribe this sequence? it's like one of those old westerns where they fight on a moving train, but substitute train with camper van, cowboys with knights and the old west with the modern Californian desert. all in all lots of fun as Buffy show us her mad sword wielding skills and gets rid of almost all of the knights except for the one who puts a spear into Giles and crashes the van. They take cover in an old abandoned gas station as Giles is going into shock. Unfortunately the knights make short work of their defenses. Thanks to Willow they get an energy barrier around the station. The head knight is captured and we finally get some answers to what the key is. I have to give real props to the actress playing Terra as her performance in the last few episodes has been exceptional. The people effected by Glory have started some sort of movement. Giles is looking really bad right now however I doubt they are going to kill off Giles. Buffy goes to ask for help from the enemy and they allow Ben in to tend to Giles. (BAD MOVE!!)

Spike and Xander are having a moment, it only took 5 seasons. Spike does talk some sense when it comes to his idea of making a break for it. Buffy however will have none of it. We get a history lesson about Glory's origin. They have found the weakness, where they only have to kill Ben to kill Glory. The Key is also to explained why it exists. The key opens the dimensional wall to  the demon space. Talk about having a lot on her plate as Dawn sees that the fate of the universe is in her.

The general gets to Ben and lets him know that the death of the key will stop this madness. Ben now has a decision to make however Glory has taken back control with her on the inside she has been able to take Dawn, destroy the army that was waiting out there and leave. Buffy slumps down with her worst fears realized.

Now that was a huge improvement from the previous episode, I loved the chase scene in the winabego and the final act of the episode sets up the season finally nicely. How does Buffy get her sister back and stop Glory when she knows that all of her attempts previously have been fruitless? Will Giles survive? and will Terra get her full psyche back?


Looking forward to the conclusion to this very interesting season in our next installment. So until then don't go opening up any inter dimensional barriers that may make the universe collapse on itself.