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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 53: Season 6: Episodes 7 – 8

Once more with feeling

Previously …….. Spike loves Buffy ……. Buffy is repulsed ….. Willow goes all Dark magic in bringing Buffy back ….. Buffy was in heaven …… Dawn is a Rebel ……. Xander and Anya are getting Married …. Terra and Willow get into a fight over all the magic that is used and Willow decides to wipe her memory.

Love the old time title sequence! Like watching a old 50’s musical. Terra finds the plant used for the spell and thinks it’s a nice jesture… so far no dialog just up beat music ….. Sarah Michelle Gellar has great voice! Nice work with the choreography matching the words. The first song is just about Buffy going through the motions!

The crew are just also going through their usual day and everyone is getting the musical feeling. Ok Giles is not singing as well. I think it might be rocker bunnies! or midgets? I have a feeling this is going to be hard to blog as I don’t want to pause as the music is awesome!!! I think Buffy is like a cat who has lost 2 lives. So something is not right as the whole town is singing and even Dawn was singing at school!

I wonder what that necklace is for? Terra is HOT!!  Willow is one lucky girl. Wow Terra has an amazing voice!!! It’s like watching a disney movie with the sparkles! Now if they weren’t witches I wouldn’t believe they can go to their room like that (wow they are dirty lyrics)

Guy dances to death …. Sorry distracted by Anya……what a great song between Xander and Anya, love it! Anya and Xander are really getting upset about the singing. People dancing in the streets, this isn’t the Sunnydale we know folks.

Spike knows what is going on, his solution, Alcohol! Spike could join a boy band no problem now he switches into punk rocker! Who has a funeral at night in the most vampire populated town in America? Another good song!

Michael Flatly is a demon? Dawn is reminding Terra about the fight, which brings back her memory….. this can’t be good. Dawn is a little magpie stealing the shiny things and she is abducted by Howdy Doody.  We see the monster who is behind the musical episode! Dawn can dance! There is no such thing as a good demon! I think sometimes they over do the look of the demon, the red guy would look better without the chin thing, but he can also dance really well!

Buffy is breaking wood, we can only hope it becomes a training montage from an 80’s movie. Giles is tone deaf! and here comes the 80’s movie training montage!  Terra is off to confront Willow after finding out what the plant does. Here comes the split scene song from two characters who are singing about the same feelings.

Spike captures the demons' lackey who lets them know that Dawn is in trouble and Buffy has to go alone and stand up for herself and her family.

I think people are singing their feelings.  The strength of this show is that  the support characters are actually that, support characters! It’s Show time with the big door slam! Buffy is singing and kicking butt at the same time! (with back up singers!) The truth comes out through song!!! Buffy is about to dance her way to death, however thanks to Spike she survives. “The hardest thing in this world is to live in it!” Those are true words. Xander? brought out the dancing talisman? I guess he didn’t want any part of Xander and he is GONE! but they are still singing? “Bugger This” Nice line Spike.

Buffy has also had enough of the singing, or maybe not, time for the Buffy Spike duet ending in the BIG KISS……. Where do we go from here indeed? Love the Grr Arrr singing.

Well that certainly lived up to the hype! What a wonderful episode and we have this to thank for the musical episode of Scrubs also!


Tabula Rasa

Previously on Buffy ….. Buffy finds Mum dead ….. Xander and Anya are getting married …… Spike is playing Kitten Poker …… Buffy needs Giles …… Terra is upset with Willow …..Willow erases Terra’s memory……. Buffy confides in Spike about being in heaven ….. Buffy kisses Spike.

walking in the cemetery at night on patrol and Spike nearly gets spiked, Spike needs to talk and Buffy but that is interrupted by a giant shark man who wants his kittens! His minions attack and Sharky tries to hire Buffy. He is a loan shark, clever! New credit sequence.

The guys are discussing what heaven is like? Willow is feeling guilty about bringing her back and Xander is trying to simplify the situation. Willow wants to go back to magic and Terra is warning Willow to stop it. She let’s Willow know that she violated her mind! Terra is laying down the law and Willow is shocked to hear this from her. Terra dumps Willow and Willow promises to go cold turkey, and while this happens Giles wants to leave Buffy to fend for herself.

Willow has gone too far now as she has practiced another spell, Giles is announcing he is about to leave when Spike barges in dressed as Giles looking for asylum. Willow fires up her spell. Buffy can’t handle the pressure anymore of what she is going through as everyone falls asleep due to the spell that was cast.

Everyone wakes up and they don’t know who everyone is or who they are.   This had to happen in the magic box. Giles figures out he is British, and Spike also figures out he is English also. They find out who they are from their wallets, so now they figure out that Rupert and Anya are enganged, Spike is Randy and Giles’ son, Xander and Willow are going out, Tarra and Willow think they are study buddies and Buffy who names herself ‘Joan’ after her mum figure out she and Dawn are sisters. It took me 6 seasons to figure out who everyone is and now they do this to me!

They open up the door to Vampires and they are scared! Giles thinks that they can use the magic and they try to escape. “Joan” kills one of the vampires. She figures out she is a superhero! Rupert gives his son a pep talk and hug. Randy turns into a Vampire and fights off the others around. I’m loving this episode!

Giles finds his ticket to London. Anya is trusting her intuition. Ahh a Bunny….. A noble Vampire, a vampire with a soul…. that does sound lame…… Argh more bunnies! The rest of them go through the sewer and Terra and Willow get really close, Anya has made a real mess of things. Joan and Randy are fighting the vampire army…. while Giles is sword fighting a skeleton. Willow figures out she likes girls and Anya whacks Giles in the head!

Giles gets the right spell down and the memory comes flying back to everyone or maybe not. Giles and Anya make up, while Willow loses the rock that is causing all the problems. With Xander accidently destroying the stone everyone’s memories come back. King Ralph is a funny film by the way! Willow is in some serious trouble now. Sharky is giving Spike a talking to but when Spike stands up he backs off!

Buffy is looking so lonely sitting there by herself. Terra moves out and Willow wallows in self pitty over her action while Giles is off to London. I have a feeling that this episode will change how things are for the rest of the series. Dawn is upset that Terra is leaving and for the second episode in a row ……. Buffy is kissing Spike.

All I can say is that was brilliant!!!!


Well we are moving at a good pace here and two brilliant episodes, well folks  just remember that if your going to dance make sure you don’t set yourself on fire!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Once more with feeling. My favorite episode. They even released the soundtrack CD to that one.