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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Buffy Challenge Post 55: Season 6: Episodes 11 –12


We are Back kids for another installment of the challenge, we left off last time things were not looking great for the gang…..

Previously on Buffy Buffy and Spike get it ON ….. Willow is reckless with her duties of taking care of Dawn …….. Willow needs to go to magic anonymous ……….. The nerds seal a diamonds……

Buffy is clearing out all magic artifacts from the house, Dawn is protesting the candles andduring the whole scavenge somehow Spikes lighter apears….  The nerds have developed an invisibility ray of some sort.

Willow is making breakfast but it seems that the whole magic embargo is getting to her and also Dawn is not talking to her, and angry with Buffy. Spike “takes a stroll” in the middle of the day to see where his lighter is, or to see Buffy. Spike is a smooth mover, Xander walks in and Buffy awekardlly takes Xander out of the room only to have another disaster in the form of Social service arriving. Spike should really stop helping…..

This is NOT GOING WELL!!! This week’s villian, social services! So “Goldylocks” couldn’t throw the lighter away, When things go bad they really go bad!

Wel I guess that is what I would use an invisible ray for, great, just what Buffy needs, just to be invisible….. now there is so much fun for Buffy to have to be invisible. SO RIGHT! It’s up to Anya and Xander to figure it out…… so they blame Willow.

Xander decides to confront Willow about this. I was wondering how much Apple payed to get the gang to use their computers? Willow is offended seeing that Xander jumped to conclusions.

I think the nerds are AWESOME!!! Buffy is doing her bit to annoy and help the community…… and spy on the villain of the episode, social services lady. Buffy gets into Dawn’s file and goes all SHINING on her behind. That was a huge win for the Slayer.

Willow is on the case of the missing Buffy, with some really great detective work and figures out it was the van. Next on Buffy’s hit list……. Spike.

Anya still has wedding on the brain, but inadvertently discovers that Buffy will disintegrate. So some nerds are more evil than others! So Spike is “Exercising???” That was weird…… Buffy thinks she is free by being invisible. Willow is still struggling  to hold off using magic but she is getting through it. Buffy comes home and Dawn freaks out.  Buffy gets the message that she is in some trouble as Willow tracks down the owners of the Van and discovers the plans for the invisibility gun, only to be taken hostage by the invisible nerds.

The invisible nerds get Buffy to meet them at the arcade, one of them wanted to kill her. We get the greatest fight scene that we will never see as the combatants are invisible……. Willow saves the day by zapping the 4 of them and Buffy is less than impressed by her new ARCH NEMISIS!

Willow and Buffy are wrapping the episode up nicely as they both realise they are both on the right path……….


Doublemeat Palace

What a DUMB name for an episode……

Previously on Buffy……. Spike and Buffy get it on …….. the nerds are revieled……. Amy is back ……. and Willow nearly kills Dawn …… Buffy is Broke……..

The nerd natural habitat, sounds like home! The nerds have had to clear out Anya gives us her opinion why demons are better than super villian nerds when Buffy walks in looking rediculous in her getup for work.

Buffy is watching the workers motivation video which is as tedious as it sounds. Double meat palace where YOU are a part of the double meat experience, they look like a happy bunch! The meat is mesmerizing, dehydrated pickles? Buffy needs to taste the food she is selling. Humor is not allowed in the work force.

Buffy is trying to figure out the idiot proof cash register. I think the talk of the high volume of staff is not a good sign, Buffy is the cat in this episode. The gang arrives to support the Buffster at work. Buffy thinks there is something wrong with the workplace.

Xander scores a free meal off Buffy and Anya is still in wedding mode. NEXT PLEASE…… What do you want Spike? Other than warn Buffy about the doom ahead. First person view always freaks me out! Buffy gets promoted to Grill!

People don’t like variation, I’m not sure that Buffy should ask about the secret ingredients. Buffy gets a double shift. Xander meets one of Anya’s old demon buddy who doesn't seem convinced.

I officially will not eat at a fast food restaurant ever again, it seems the more depressed Buffy gets the more deeper she gets in with Spike. Amy comes back to get her old home back. Amy is not the best person for Willow to talk to, what has she done to Willow?

GROSSE!!!! THIS IS DISCUSTING!!! It’s people, it’s people!!!!

Anya and her demon friend are chatting away and she is not helping the situation. Buffy brings over a burger and lets them know that it is people AFTER Xander eats the burger. Buffy returns to the former place of employment to look for clues. This is one creepy episode, YUCK!!!!

Dawn is wondering about her future, and Xander doesn’t help the situation. Willow figures out what the meat is using chemistry. It’s not human meat so what is it?

This is just creepy, the old lady snake head is the cause of all the problems as we get the twist that this show is known for delivering. Willow stop talking and get in there. Willow saves the day.

Amy arrives and Willow asks her to leave as she is an evil influence. Willow lets Amy know that she better stay away! So the secret ingredient is beef! Buffy gets her job back……



Well that ends another mixed bag of a challenge where we learned that being invisible is not what it is all cracked up to be and you should never trust old ladies who work at fast food restaurants, for you never know if she will eat her fellow employees using the giant snake coming out of her head. Until next time folks.

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