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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Buffy Challenge Post 62: Season 7: Episodes 3 – 4

Same Time, Same Place

Previously … Willow kills, Giles takes her on a magic detox camp ... Ayna is a vengeance demon….. spike has his soul….

We are at the Airport and they are keen to see Willow again….. Oh Xander, always knows what to say! Oh no she didn’t finish not being Evil??? Where is Willow? you would think she would get there…… De ja vu? another dimension perhaps?

Graphite? oh that kid is going to die!!! Told you so! Serves him right if you ask me!!! Willow comes home to an empty house and I’m already confused…… in a good way!

The old tug on your heart strings by looking at old photo’s trick! Willow is all alone, however the rest of the gang are there at the same time …. can anyone same say magic mail box??? everyone is blaming each other and I’ve gotta say Dawn is not as obnoxious as she was in previous seasons…..

Great fade away effect, Back to Willow and she is starting to freak out, BIG TIME!!! Anya is always great for classic lines! Did Willow kill the gang in this time line???? The life of a vengeance demon always traveling! Ok so they are not dead, well where are they? Willow arrives at the abandoned construction and we see another skinned person and Buffy and Xander are dreading the similarity to Willow’s crime!

Back to Willow and we see the AWESOME Spike, still crazy….. Willow aslo saw the skinned kid and Spike reminds her of her kill! What did Spike do? is he the intermediary between the two? Spike see’s both Willow in one sense and Xander and Buffy in the other.

That is so annoying to be in his position! I love how Anya calls it down the middle… Oh so many good lines not enough time to type them all! “Remember our talk about the carpet???” that is the line I’m going with! Teleporting is a privilege so that trip to brazil was more pleasure than work!

Even though Anya is a demon once again, it seems that she has retained her human feelings…… It did get a little Sexy Anya, it did!

Product placement time kids ….. can you see it? Yes the Apple Mac! Dawn hits the net and finds out who is doing the skinning! It’s up to Spike to track the blood, Slow down Dawn! “I’m insane, what’s his Excuse?” at the same time Willow is also in the cave in her own little world. “All alone……” Well DERRRR

That has to be a record for the quickest time 3 people can state the obvious! Dawn get’s cut badly, as Willow is faced with an evil laugh, not even an enchantment will help! So the villain is a demon with the maturity of a 6 year old! Willow gets cut and this creepy thing starts sucking blood! Dawn is totally paralised, as we switch back to the goblin type creature who is playing with his food!

Anya just let them know that she saw Willow, (BTW in Brazil, Brazilian nuts are just called nuts!) Back to the disturbing image of the goblin carving up a helpless Willow! Only Anya can see Willow. Buffy gets scratched however nothing seems to happen! Buffy with a knife in the foot and poking out the eyes….. which I can’t watch. This kills the demon and the spell, YAY Willow is back!

Now for the closing heart to heart between Buffy and Willow, So Willow has become a tree hugging hippy witch! The big reveal……… Willlow made herself invisible and it kinds of harps back to season 1 when she felt the same way! Back to meditation and re bonding as friends.

A really solid episode, with some cool laugh out loud moments!



Previously Willow returns, Buffy gets a Job as a councilor , Spike lives at school and Xander is working at the school doing construction …… and GO!

I never understood open casket funerals, although a coffin is a good place to hide to kill a vampire! The kid’s coffin has a child lock on it! priceless! Buffy is worried about school and we get a quick kill and Buffy agrees with me.

Back to school and Buffy has a bigger office than I do! First day on the job, and we get the classic montage of insecure teens. Hey it’s one of the kids from home improvement??? Violent teen girls, rare back then, now not so much!

Willow and Xander are reconnecting, with Xander giving a pep talk about her magic issues by comparing it to working on a construction site! Willow pays her respects to the love of her life, Tara.

Back at school, the kid who had nothing to say is now opening up…. his brother is off to war and he is worried!

Nice try kid!

Dawn getting advice was a little wasted.

Next, chick with purple highlights is predicting her death and now the story starts! freaky future predictions….. Buffy does the right thing by reporting it to the principal, who grew up on the mean streets of Beverly Hills!

Her premonition comes true with the spilt coffee….. where is this episode going???? The old using your position to access personal records of a weird student. FIRST MENTION OF GOOGLE!!!! some one wake me when something happens……”posting Dougie Howser Fan Fic!” how are they accessing all these records?

It seems there is a slew of sleazy actors in Hollywood and Cassie’s Dad is right up there! this episode is like watching paint dry….. another teen clique “white stripes tee shirt!”

American teens and their druid obsessions….. (more apple products)  Even Spike can’t save this train wreck! his soul is messing him up big time! (here is my impression that happen at the Buffy brainstorming meeting for this season:

Joss: “Ok who has an Idea for the 4th episode?”

Writer 1: “Hey how about we do an episode where a girl predicts that she is going to die on a day, and get this …… we watch the group sit around trying to figure out why she thinks like this will happen!”

Writer 2: “BRILLIANT!”

Writer 2: “Can we have a voice over scene where she reads poetry, and we see them surfing the INTERNET!”

Writer 1: “YES! The kids will love this internet thing!”

Joss: “Fine, just make sure there are kids dressed like druids in it! and a big demon like creature at the end!”

Buffy is right, this is LAME!!!

Spike with fire…..

Dear Whedonverse,

can I somehow please get the last 40 minutes of my life back?

faithfully yours,

a new fan.

after ALL THAT, she drops dead…… of boredom! (and an apparent heart condition!)

Que forced emotional ending…….. ah man there is still 54 seconds to go! and I’m still annoyed that Buffy has a bigger office than I do and I’ve been teaching for 10 years!


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