I hope this episode is better than the disaster that was last episode….
Previously The troll dated Anya… Anya explains everything that is happening….. this is an ANYA episode! AWESOME!!!
Dawn is giving life advice to Willow…… Right! That will help…… Xander is still hung up on Anya, giddy! New word….. I still don’t know why he left her at all! Dead bodies everywhere and Anya in the middle….. this can’t be good for her self esteem.
Back in the day, I love the effect of the sepia. Thankfully they gave me the translation for “ha ha ha” Hey Baltic women are hot!
Back to reality where the blood is being washed from Anya’s hands, while Spike explains his new found humanity to Buffy. Has Buffy fallen again for Spike? nope just his imagination. This Buffy is less sympathetic.
Willow is back at college and she runs into a dishevelled Anya coming out of the frat house where she went on a killing spree of some sort. Willow discovers the horrors that have been left in Anya’s wake. She discovers a poor girl hiding in the cupboard, GIANT COMPUTER BUG!!! good thing Willow still has the magic thing happening.
Back to the old country and we see the origin of Olaf the troll, Anya is being recruited to the vengeance demon team……
Good to see Buffy is working really hard, Anya is not handling her old form as a vengeance demon. Willow enters and is in no mood to argue, Anya needs help and fast.
Black goo is never a good sign. Xander and Buffy are hunting spiders, good thing that Buffy is the axe throwing champion in Sunnydale. Willow fills them in and now Anya has to be slayed!
The history of Anya continues with her and her gabby friend in St. Petersburg in 1905. The emotional weight of this episode is amazing! Xander once again puts his foot in his mouth and his feelings for Anya is clouding his judgment. We are watching friends disintegrate but Buffy shows that if she kills the love of her life then what she has to do is set in stone.
Why is Willow calling the head Vengeance demon who tries to recruit her! Xander tries to help the situation by warning Anya, it only puts him in the middle of a CAT FIGHT!!!
back to 2001 and we see happier times between the two back to the singing happiness that happen last season in “once more with feeling!” An amazing voice in a truly Disney moment! Awe I was enjoying that, till we go back to the Sword in the chest!
Round 2 is on with Anya and Buffy going at it again, Xander for the Save. King Vengeance is here to bring some sense in this. “Miss. hacks away!” Classic!
The price for Vengeance is Justice, to undo the deaths of twelve Anya has to die….
Noooo wait, what a great way to save this sticky situation….. kill off an annoying character and bring some more emotional pain and add another layer to an already complex one in Anya…..
Great Ending to a Great episode!
Previously….. everything that happen last episode….
Spike is moving in with Xander ……. COMIC GOLD COMING UP!!! It seems that Buffy is happy to have Spike back into the fold seeing he has a soul. Dawn and Buffy having a heart to heart about the whole Spike thing. Dawn tries to talk to Buffy and like what everyone else she is not listening, which leads to the Dawn “love at sight” moment.
Anya is hiding while Buffy kills a demon who was attacking Anya. I love when Anya calls it how she sees it!
OK TEEN ROM-COM coming up….. This is going to be painful, in a funny way! Dawn trying out for cheer leading in Buffy’s old cheer leading uniform was cringe worthy funny! Dawn is now becoming a brooding nasty teen….
Dawn’s crush is going to lead to some serious trouble, like the pushing down of the stairs of RJ’s rival! You can’t hide the truth from Buffy Dawn. Although it get’s results as RJ now notices our girl.
The guys get back to the Bronze and we see DAWN DANCING in a way that is clearly not G rated! TEEN ANGST…. Welcome to HELL Buffy! If RJ is a Vampire, I’m not going to be happy! RJ’s Girlfriend is not happy and we have another CAT FIGHT!!!! where Buffy cops it!
It seems that RJ is a PLAYA!!! or he has some sort of magic love potion happening as Buffy falling for Lover Boy! I really hope this episode ends in a big fight!
Buffy pulls out RJ from class….
Where is RJ getting this from? Buffy kisses the kid which leads to the typical Dawn catches them. Willow and Anya to the rescue as the Girls are fighting over this clown.
The Brain trust are Xander, Anya and Willow….. Xander remembers the good times when he was chased by hordes of women!
RJ’s brother is not much help until Spike noticed the Jacket, it’s all in the Jacket! RJ rocks up to the house where ALL the ladies are fighting over RJ ….. what a brillant scene with too many cool moments to document! and the whole Charlies Angels montage is great (except the whole Dawn lying on the tracks thing!)
WILLOW trying to change RJ into RJ-ya….. Stopped by Xander.
BUFFY with a rocket launcher!!!! Stopped by Spike!
Dawn lying on the train tracks……. saved by Buffy.
Anya was going to rob the bank.
Xander and Spike steal the jacket and burnt it.
What a funny episode…… I really enjoyed it as I laughed my way through it!
Well folks I’m off to find myself one of those magic jackets……
See you next time for another Challenge!
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